Intermittent Fasting vs keto

Intermittent fasting (IF) is one of the latest and most famous health trends these days. The Keto diet has also been in trend and been used by many people to lose weight. But do you know which is best “Intermittent fasting vs keto”.Let’s find about it
In the last few years, IF has revolutionized the concept of weight loss. At early people used to have hard time losing their weight but it changed due to intermittent fasting and keto diet. Their is both pros and cos in intermittent fasting vs keto
Intermittent Fasting vs keto: which one is the best?
Both keto diet and intermittent fasting are practiced for weight loss. And it is important to know which the best among intermittent fasting vs keto is.
As we all know that diet remains in the topmost position for the weight loss solution ever. So it’s better not get confused between the well-known weight loss explication. Because, the truth is that everyone is not the same, so you can’t pick one haphazardly. The adjudication needs to be made based on your body demand, rather than what’s trending in social media.
What is keto?
Keto is also known as the ketogenic diet is a title for a low-carb diet. Its shares many collations with the Atkins diet.
The Keto diet greatly reduces carbohydrate intake and replaces it with fat. This process of reducing carbohydrates and bringing your body into a metabolic state is called ketosis.
The main function of a low-carb diet with moderate protein and higher fat is to lose weight.
A ketogenic diet is also beneficial for controlling non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes). It also shows beneficial effects against cancer, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease.
What are the benefits of keto?
- Every diet has its own health benefits. The same as intermittent fasting keto diet has also its own health benefits which are enlisted below:
- Keto diet reduces appetite.
- It helps to lower the triglycerides level drastically.
- A ketogenic diet increases the high-density lipoprotein which is good for our health.
- Low carb diets help t reduces blood sugar and insulin levels.
- It may lower blood pressure.
- The Keto diet is effective against metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is the collection of abdominal obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated FBS (fasting blood sugar), elevated Triglycerides level, and low HDL.
- Keto diets lead to more short-term weight loss than intermittent fasting.
What is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a special feeding pattern with alternate eating and fasting. There are many ways of intermittent fasting. You may extend the fasting period according to the method of IF. The three most basic methods of intermittent fasting are:
- The 16/8 method
- The 5:2 method
- The eat-stop-eat method
In the 16/8 method, you may fast for 16 hours while eating for only 8 hours a day. The 5:2 method is a bit different. It consists of eating only 500 calories for 2 days a week while eating normally for the rest of the week. The eat-stop-eat method includes fasting for complete 24 hours on alternate days. You may choose a method of IF that suits your eating habits.
What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern which shows numerous of the health benefits on body and brain. Some of the health benefits of the intermittent fasting are enlisted below:
- Intermittent fasting helps in cellular repair and maintains hormonal dysfunction.
- Most important, it helps in weight loss and belly fat.
- It helps to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus by reducing insulin resistance.
- Intermittent fasting has numerous benefits in reducing cardiovascular diseases.
- Intermittent fasting can be beneficial in preventing cancer. Some pieces of evidence have soon that fasting reduces various chemotherapy side effects.
- It may help to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
- Finally, it is also beneficial for the brain by reducing oxidative stress, inflammation, and blood sugar level.
9 Best Foods For Intermittent Fasting
Here is the list of 9 best foods for intermittent fasting that we recommend.
These 9 secret foods will enhance the effectiveness of fasting. IF will only have a positive effect on your body when you carefully monitor your diet during the eating period. Fasting for 12-16 hours and then eating calorie-packed foods will turn your hard work into no work. For 100% results, you need to have an optimally balanced diet. Following are the 9 best foods for intermittent fasting:
Water may not be considered a food item but it is very important to get through intermittent fasting. It is an important component of every part of your body, has great roles to play. Trying to follow an intermittent fasting routine with a dehydrated body is a complete disaster.
Having frequent headaches and fatigue can be signs of a dehydrated body. To keep all your systems running, you need to drink water. The intake of water may depend on your weight, height, physical activity, and climatic conditions. The bottom line is to drink 8 glasses of water daily especially when fasting. This can be one of the great foods for intermittent fasting.
Being the favorite vegetable of most of almost everybody, adding potatoes to your diet will also add a sprinkle of happiness to your life. Not just that but potatoes are a very good source of starch. And once cooled, they become fuel for the good bacteria of your gut. Potatoes are easy on the stomach and satisfying for the taste buds.
When it comes to breaking a fast, dates are the best choice. Their high-calorie content will quickly restore lost energy. The high fiber content will boost your digestive health. It will also improve bowel movements preventing constipation.
Dates are also very beneficial in maintaining a balanced blood sugar level, which is very important for intermittent fasters. Eating dates also reduces the risk of many diseases. The antioxidants packed in this miracle fruit, protect you from diseases like Alzheimer’s and certain types of cancers. Being a source of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, dates strengthen your bones. This proves that it is surely among the best foods for intermittent fasting.
Fasting may release most of the body’s minerals and vitamins. Eating eggs can be the best choice for restoring these minerals. Eating an egg can fulfill 40% of your daily vitamin D requirement. Eggs are very light on the gut when it comes to breaking a fast. Thus they are also considered among the best foods for intermittent fasting.
Eggs are the best protein source and can be a great choice for a post-workout snack. They also promote the levels of good cholesterol in your body. It may also protect you from heart diseases. According to various studies, eggs help in weight loss. They keep your stomach full for longer, delaying the next meal.
Whole Grains
Carbohydrates are one of the most important parts of a healthy diet. Carbs keep you full, providing lots of energy to the muscles. Whole grains are a great source of fiber. Fibre keeps your gut healthy by helping the good bacteria function properly. Grains also contain vitamins and minerals, most importantly iron. It boosts your immune system and fights against harmful antigens entering the body. The best foods for intermittent fasting are those that can offer you decent amount of carbohydrates.
Raspberries are a great low-calorie and highly nutritious choice for intermittent fasters. They contain low calories with several nutrients including fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Antioxidants add up several benefits to this delicious fruit. They have special cancer combating abilities making them extremely essential. Several studies support the fact that raspberries help in weight loss. For all the lucky women reading this article, it would be interesting to know that raspberries also have anti-aging effects. They will help your skin glow and look younger. Raspberries are the best choice for women fasters.
Not only in winters but nuts can be consumed throughout the year. A handful of mixed nuts are all you need to boost your immune system several times. Nuts have got all the great properties to make them your first choice to eat during intermittent fasting.
They have got fiber, vitamins, minerals, and above all good fat. They also help your body’s natural system in producing good HDL cholesterol. Having high good cholesterol levels prevent several heart diseases. Nuts are an excellent choice for diabetic fasters because they keep your blood sugar level checked.
Adding a smoothie to your diet will lighten up the boring fasting routine. Your favorite fruits all in together will freshen up your day. Eating fruits makes our body light and refreshes our mind. Smoothies are the easiest way to eat so many fruits, each one enriched with a different flavor and nutrients. If you find protein supplements way too boring, then smoothies will be the best choice.
Seafood is the healthiest form of protein. It is low in fat and high in nutrients, which makes it best for intermittent fasters. Nature has given us a huge variety of seafood, each one of them enriched with nutrients. Seafood is an excellent source of protein, with omega-3 boosters. Several studies suggest having fish twice a week will boost your immune system and help in brain development.
So, which one is better?
Weight loss journey is hard but not impossible, Different people choose different methods to do so.
Some people might choose to go with intermittent fasting while some might choose the keto diet. It does wonder if you mix keto diet with intermittent fasting. But some people choose it while some avoid it.
It is best to go for intermittent fasting as it is easy to do for a long run and doesn’t have harsh regime having no carbs.
But before going on intermittent fasting or keto diet or both do consult it with a dietician or medical practitioner.