How to Do Low Carb Workout?

More and more people are going on a low-carb diet with the aim of losing weight. Low-carb ketogenic diets have become extremely popular as there is adequate scientific evidence that lower-carb foods can help improve health and lose weight. So, let’s see about low carb workout too.

However, a concern is raised if people on a low-carb diet are following the right training exercises. While there is ample information regarding low-carb diets, there is limited information on low-carb workouts and exercise plans.

But diet is only one aspect of a healthy lifestyle: how you move and use your body is just as important.

The fuel sources

Before jumping into discussing the right ways to exercise on keto or other low-carb programs, it is essential to know and understand how the carb restrictions in our diet impact our body.

Carbohydrates are the main fuel source for our body, so when we cut carbs, the body begins looking for alternative sources of fuel, such as fat and proteins. Aerobic activities use carbohydrates, fat, and protein for energy, while anaerobic metabolism relies on glycogen stores in the body to get energy. Our body can use both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism based on the type of fuel source.

A low-carb diet such as keto results in fat adaptation as the body gets better at using the fat stored within the body as an energy source during exercises. Based on the intensity and kind of workout, your body may or may not burn the fat resources until you have reached a certain level.

As the body takes a longer time to use the fat, those on low-carb diets should try low-intensity exercises that are more suited for their bodies. High-intensity exercises should be avoided as they need readily available energy sources such as carbs. It means that you need a low-carb diet and exercise plan that complement each other for the best results and know about low-carb strength training too.

Depending on your fitness goals, your body type, and metabolism, it is essential to follow the correct type of exercise that will work best for you. The purpose of following any diet regimen and exercise program is to manage weight while improving physical and mental health.

If you feel that you get tired easily, do not have enough energy, or are unable to focus through your usual exercise sessions, perhaps you are not doing the right exercises.

Low carb Workout

If you are among those millions of people on a low-carb diet looking for information regarding working out on keto, you are not alone. Exercising on a low-carb diet requires special planning and preparation.

In order to train your body to burn higher amounts of fat and calories, you need a basic routine for your exercise program that helps you to get the most from your workout. Focus on the kind of exercise, the intervals, and the duration of the activity.


Can you lift weights on keto? Yes! The World Health Organization recommends that all adults do muscle-strengthening activities, like weightlifting, at least 2 days a week, in addition to aerobic exercise.

If you’re specifically interested in building additional muscle on keto, Plan Ketogenic explains some hacks for bodybuilding while low-carb, such as strategies for increasing protein and calories.

Invest in some small hand weights or dumbbells to boost your fitness levels.
Whatever your goals, low-carb weightlifting is an important part of keeping your body healthy and active. Weight-bearing activities give shape and form to the body and prevent osteoporosis. Regular strength training on the keto diet helps to keep your muscles strong and functional.

You can use resistance training with the help of weights, machines, and even your own body weight.

Cardio on a low-carb diet

Activities like quick walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, and exercises like jumping jacks or jump roping are all cardio activities that boost fat-burning.

The World Health Organization recommends that each week, adults aged 18-64 do at least150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75-150 minutes of high-intensity aerobic activity. (Or a combination of both.)

If you’re transitioning from a mostly sedentary lifestyle, a good starting point would be to do 30 minutes of cardio exercises 3 to 4 times a week. For example, walk briskly around the block a few times first thing in the morning or after lunch. This is a great habit to get into, as it gets you up and moving and enjoying the fresh air. Taking a break to see the world outside your home or place of work also helps clear your mind.

As you build up stamina and motivation, you can add more exercises or more walks to reach the minimum 150-minute weekly recommendation.

Ideally, you want to keep the cardio intensity level to 70%-80% of the maximal heart rate. When you perform these exercises, you end up using a good amount of your body’s glycogen, and your body will gradually switch to using the stored fat for energy.

Cardio exercises on a keto diet offer the best results when performed early in the morning as your body has been without food during the night. You can even add intermittent fasting to your keto and workout routine.

Essential workout components

Certain exercises are just perfect for both beginners and experienced, ones who understand what a low-carb foods is about. Exercises such as squats, wall push-ups, crunches, and spine stretches can be performed under professional guidance.

High-intensity exercising on keto

High-intensity intervals for high-intensity calorie-burning should only be attempted after your body has had several weeks to adapt to the low-carb diet.

Leading health organizations advocate sustained periods of vigorous physical activity for a minimum of 20 minutes and with a focus on large muscle groups. Those high-intensity intervals of 30 to 60 seconds can escalate your efforts and lead to better results. As you become more fit, you can make the intervals longer based on your lung capacity.

Listen to your body

Pay attention to your experience when combining a low-carb diet with exercise. See how your body is responding to those changes and if it is giving the results you want.

Based on your observation and guidance of your trainer or doctor, you can increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts by adding or omitting some exercise. Gradually, you will learn and understand how your body responds to certain diets or exercises and can be the best judge yourself.

Breathing and relaxation

Apart from following the right exercise plan on a low-carb diet, one must also focus on breathing for complete relaxation. Take breaks in your busy day to concentrate mindfully on the sound of your breathing as you inhale and exhale slowly and smoothly to relax your body and mind. Concentrate on your breath as you fill the lungs and empty them slowly.

Remember to always consult with your doctor before changing your diet or exercise plan.

Take it easy in the first weeks on a low-carb diet and exercise routine. You are morevulnerable to injury if you are not performing at your best capacity or are feeling fatigued. Be patient and wait until your metabolism has transitioned to the new changes exposed to within the body.

Simply cutting out carbohydrates from your diet will not have all the beneficial effects that you are looking for. You also need to develop and follow the right exercise plan that can support your goals and keep you healthy and energetic both mentally and physically.

Push your fitness levels to new heights with the right combination of a low-carb diet, cardio, weightlifting, or other types of strength training. The bottom line is that following a keto diet is only one step in the journey to a healthier you; you’ve got to use your body and exercise too!

Mehedi Hasan

Mehedi Hasan is an enthusiastic health blogger and the founder member of WOMS. He likes to share his thoughts to make people inspired about their fitness. He is an experienced writer and author on highly authoritative health blogs.

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