GRF Calculator

Our GFR calculator (estimated glomerular filtration rate calculator) will assist you in the early detection of kidney disease. Continue reading to learn more about how to calculate GFR from creatinine and cystatin C levels, how it works, and what eGFR numbers are involved.
It’s vital to keep in mind that creatinine levels vary depending on the patient’s gender and race. Muscle mass, physical activity, and cachexy also influenced the blood test result. Thyroid disease and corticosteroid medication have no bearing on cystatin C levels.
However, the kidneys are two fist-sized organs that are positioned near the bottom of the rib cage. On each side of the spine, there is one kidney. A healthy body requires functioning kidneys. They filter excess water, waste products, and other pollutants from the blood. We accumulate toxins in the bladder and then excreted them through urination. Furthermore, the kidneys also regulated the body’s pH, salt, and potassium levels. They make hormones that control the creation of red blood cells and regulate blood pressure. The kidneys activate even a type of vitamin D that aids calcium absorption.
GFR Calculator: What Are The Many Kinds Of Kidney Disease And What Causes Them?
We can outline the various kidney diseases below:
Chronic kidney disease
High blood pressure can damage the glomeruli in the kidneys by putting too much strain on them. Glomeruli are small blood arteries in the kidneys that filter the blood. Over time, increased pressure damages these veins, leading kidney function to decrease.
However, a common consequence of diabetes is diabetic nephropathy. Diabetes refers to a group of diseases marked by high blood sugar levels. The kidneys’ blood arteries are destroyed over time as a result of high blood sugar levels. However, the GFR calculator, on the other hand, can aid in the early detection of chronic renal disease.
Glomerulonephritis is a condition in which the glomeruli in the kidneys become inflamed. Glomeruli are tiny blood-filtering structures found within the kidneys. However, infections, medications, or congenital defects can all result in glomerulonephritis (disorders that occur during or shortly after birth). On its own, it usually improves.
Kidney stones
Another common kidney issue is kidney stones. Other substances and minerals in the blood crystallize in the kidneys, resulting in stones. However, urination is the most common way for kidney stones to exit the body. Kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful to pass, but they rarely cause major issues.
Urinary tracts infection (UTI)
UTIs are bacterial infections of the urinary tract, which can affect any region of the body. The most prevalent infections are those that affect the bladder and urethra. They’re simple to cure and rarely lead to more serious health issues. These infections can spread to the kidneys and cause renal failure if not managed. Furthermore, Urinary tract infections can be diagnosed at an early stage by using our GFR calculator.
GFR calculator: What are the signs and symptoms of renal failure?
Kidney illness can be undiagnosed until the symptoms become severe. Early signs of kidney disease include:
- Muscle cramps
- Swelling feet/ankles
- Morning puffiness around the eyes
- Dry, rough skin
- Urination is frequent, especially late at night.
- Exhaustion
- Inability to concentrate
- Sleeping problems
- Poor appetite
The following are severe symptoms that could show that your kidney disease is advancing to kidney failure:
- Decreased sex drive
- Anemia
- Retention of fluid in the body
- Nausea
- High rise in body potassium level
- Inflammation
- Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
Formula for GFR Calculator
We use some formulas in our GFR calculator for estimating the glomerular filtration rate. You can compare all the findings to determine if they’re all within typical limits. Furthermore, You can also select whether we calculate eGFR using the serum.
The CKD-EPI creatine Formula
This is the most common and recommended strategy. It only takes one serum creatinine result from a blood test.
eGFR = 141 * min(SCr/k, 1)α * max(SCr/k, 1)-1.209 * 0.993Age * a * b
The CKD-EPI creatine-cystatin formula
It’s a variation of the preceding formula that takes serum cystatin C levels into account. It gives more accurate findings to those who have a strange diet or have a lot of muscle mass.
eGFR = 135 * min(SCr/k, 1)α * max(SCr/k, 1)-0.601 * min(Scys/0.8, 1)-0.375 * max(Scys/0.8, 1)-0.711 * 0.995Age * a * b
The CKD-EPI cystatin C formula
Only the level of serum cystatin C is considered in this equation. It’s a handy calculation for individuals with unstable creatinine concentrations
eGFR = 133 * min(Scys/0.8, 1)-0.499 * max(Scys/0.8, 1)-1.328 * 0.996Age * a
The glomerular filtration rate is a measurement of kidney function that describes the rate at which filtered fluids move through the kidney. A higher GFR suggests greater renal function. However, a considerable drop in GFR shows the kidneys aren’t working properly, resulting in less fluid being filtered in an amount of time.
Our GFR Calculator calculates GFR depending on a variety of parameters, such as serum creatinine levels, age, race, and gender.
Is it true that drinking water raises my GFR?
GFR is reduced when water intake increases. It may appear that any “toxin” eliminated solely through glomerular filtration is cleaned less efficiently in the presence of increased water consumption; however, such alterations in GFR are not always permanent.
Is it possible for GFR to change from day to day?
To calculate your glomerular filtration rate, your doctor will combine the data of your creatinine level with other parameters like your age (GFR). This number shows whether kidney function is normal or abnormal. Depending on your fluid levels, your creatinine levels and GFR can change.