Is Knee Replacement Surgery in India Worth it?

Have you heard about knee replacement surgery? If not, here you can get a clear view. If you are having trouble walking or getting out of a chair and you are not able to keep up with your regular activities, you may think of knee replacement surgery. In this surgery, damaged parts of your knee joint are removed and replaced with metal or plastic parts during knee replacement surgery.
Knee arthroplasty, often known as knee replacement, is a safe and effective operation that can help you feel and move better. It is understandable to be concerned about any surgery, but there is no need to be worried about a knee replacement. This common surgery can considerably improve your quality of life and is well worth your time. You may think about how quickly the procedure goes and how fast you recover. A clear explanation is given below:
What is Knee Replacement Surgery?
Knee replacement surgery is otherwise called knee arthroplasty, and the damaged or worn knee is replaced with an artificial implant. Patients with serious knee damage caused by osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis might consider knee replacement surgery. This operation may also be required for patients who have experienced irreversible knee damage due to fractures, damaged cartilage, or ligaments.
Benefits of Knee Replacement Surgery
Reduced knee pain
Arthritis is the most prevalent cause of knee joint problems, resulting in joint damage and a lot of discomfort. Surgeons can perform a knee replacement treatment with minimally invasive procedures, reducing the amount of knee pain you experience in daily life after surgery. This is one of the advantages you can expect after knee replacement surgery.
Improved mobility
If you have severe knee pain or joint stiffness, knee surgery may be the answer because it prevents you from doing things like walking, climbing stairs, or sitting in or rising from chairs in pain. If you cannot walk more than a few blocks without experiencing significant pain, or if you are not able to walk without the use of a cane or walker, surgery may be the right option for you.
Improved ability to perform daily activities
The ability to perform a normal activity is likely to be the most important benefit you can expect after minimally invasive knee replacement surgery. After all, the knee is vital for daily activities such as walking and standing. It is also important for other sports like jumping and running. The pain of knee arthritis may have limited your ability to do such activities, but that can all change with a knee replacement surgery. You may find that you are not only able to perform routine duties with less difficulty but that you are also able to restore your independence.
Conditions that Need Knee Replacement
Patients may vary in age and activity level, and based on the age level, there are certain conditions to follow, and they are:
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Hemophilia
Avascular Necrosis
These diseases frequently result in extreme pain and a loss of mobility that may require surgery.
Types of Knee Replacement procedures
There are three main types of knee replacement surgery, and they are:
- Total knee replacement
- Partial knee replacement
- Complex or revision knee replacement
Total knee replacement
Serious knee injury, osteoarthritis, or another kind of arthritis in one of these conditions can cause so much discomfort, damage, and inflammation that your range of motion is almost non-existent. Total knee replacement is a commonly performed knee surgery. Some bone and cartilage from your shinbone and thighbone, which are all related to your knee joint, may be removed during this procedure. A metal implant replaces the part of the knee near the thigh bone.
Partial Knee Replacement
Patients with minor injury or arthritis in the knee are most likely candidates for partial knee replacement. This method requires a smaller incision and causes less bone loss. In addition, if you are compared with the people who have a total knee replacement, the recovery time is shorter in partial knee replacement.
Complex Knee Surgery
A complex knee injury is treated by complex knee surgery. A complicated knee injury is when numerous ligaments in the same knee are injured. The MCL, PCL, ACL, and LCL are examples of such ligaments. A big accident, such as a knee dislocation suffered after a very severe sporting fall or event, frequently results in such an injury.
A combined surgical reconstruction is required for this surgery. Because your ligaments depend on each other for healthy knee function, this operation is highly suggested for those with many damaged ligaments.
Why Choose India for Knee Replacement Surgery?
India is one of the popular medical tourism destinations because patients can receive quality treatment and also the knee replacement surgery cost in India is quite low as compared to other medically developed countries. And also it is fast emerging as a center of excellence in joint replacement surgery. Due to the skill of doctors and the low cost of the treatment, India is quickly becoming a leading destination for joint replacement surgery and healing technology.
Every year, over a million people worldwide, travel to India for high-end knee surgery. Individuals from smaller cities and rural areas and patients from other countries travel to several big cities to have their knee replacement surgery performed. Professionals with extensive training India’s medical curriculum includes intensive employee training, resulting in the development of a brilliant team of paramedical professionals in all of the country’s hospitals.
Knee Replacement in India: The Success Rate!
Osteoarthritis affects around 3.3 percent of the world’s population. It primarily affects adults over the age of 50. In the survey, 18 percent of ladies and roughly 10% of males over 60 suffer from osteoarthritis. According to a recent analysis, knee replacement surgery is the most prevalent procedure, with a 95 percent success rate. The artificial knee joint might last up to 20 years, depending on the implants utilized.
Bottom Line
Knee replacement surgery is a normal operation that improves many people’s mobility and quality of life. Knee replacement surgery can provide a new lease on life for patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis or an injury experiencing pain or mobility issues.
A variety of methods can manage knee pain and delay the need for surgery. If none of these methods are effective, knee replacement surgery may be the best option you can choose.