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Dental Conditions That are Emergencies

Medical emergencies are fairly easy to identify, especially if you’re bleeding, have a broken bone, or are experiencing extreme pain. But dental emergencies are somewhat more difficult to determine. This might be because we’ve been conditioned to think that dental issues can wait to be solved or that because dental problems aren’t often deadly, we don’t need to get them immediate attention. However, according to the experts at Molson Park Dental, there are certain conditions that should be considered emergencies.

Sudden Severe Tooth Pain

The pain of any kind is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right. If you experience sudden severe tooth pain, there is a reason for it and there’s no need for you to suffer. Contact a dentist that provides emergency services right away to get instructions for what to do next. They might tell you to come into the office, go to the emergency room, or give you some home care tips until you can be seen.

Bleeding Gums

Everyone’s gums bleed once in a while, whether it’s because of poor dental hygiene or something we’ve eaten. But, if your gums won’t stop bleeding, it’s vital that you contact a dentist right away. This is particularly important if you don’t know why they’re bleeding because it’s not normal to experience bleeding without an apparent cause. Moreover, if you’re experiencing pain and swelling along with the bleeding, this could be indicative of a serious medical condition.

Swollen Mouth or Jaw

Swelling is a sign of infection or trauma, so if your mouth or jaw becomes swollen without a known cause, you need to be seen right away. If you’ve recently had dental work, you can expect there to be some swelling for a few days afterward, but if the swelling comes back after it’s already subsided, there might be an underlying issue with the procedure you had. If you can’t get an immediate appointment with the dentist who performed the work, contact one that provides emergency services to assess the issue.

Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth is one of the more severe dental conditions that must receive attention right away. A tooth becomes abscessed when a pocket of pus leads to an infection. This infection must be stopped as soon as possible before it spreads to the surrounding tissues and to other parts of your body. Symptoms of an abscessed tooth include fever, sensitivity to hot and cold, persistent tooth pain, swelling in your face, tender neck lymph nodes, and a pimple-like bump on your gums near the infected tooth.

Knocked Out Tooth

It’s a good idea to get seen by a dentist whenever you’re hit in the mouth, whether you lose a tooth or not, but it’s absolutely necessary if a tooth does get knocked out. This is because it may be possible to save the tooth. Pick up your tooth by the top, carefully avoiding the root. Rinse it with water and if possible, put it back in the socket. If you can’t put it back in, put the tooth in a container of milk or water and bring it with you to the dentist.


Your mouth is a window to your body’s health. Many times, when something is wrong with your body, your mouth will give you your first sign. If you experience anything on this list, get to a dentist right away to get a diagnosis and treatment.

Mehedi Hasan

Mehedi Hasan is an enthusiastic health blogger and the founder member of WOMS. He likes to share his thoughts to make people inspired about their fitness. He is an experienced writer and author on highly authoritative health blogs.

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