Coronavirus updates

How can you protect yourself from Coronavirus? 

The Covid-19 epidemic affects everyone, but as with many infectious diseases, the elderly, those with chronic conditions or weakened immunity (related to their illness or specific treatments) are at higher risk. It is also known that no specific treatment or vaccination for the disease is available. 

In the absence of treatment, preventive measures are essential to prevent transmission. Washing your hands, wearing gloves, isolation, social distance. This is how the chances of not getting sick increase. 

Disease Prevention

To date, there is no vaccine to prevent Coronavirus or COVID-19 infection. It has been tested in the United States. Therefore, the necessary actions you need to take are to create a barrier between you and the virus.

Therefore, the best preventive way is to avoid the factors that can cause this virus infection, namely: 

  1. Avoid traveling to public places full of visitors. 
  2. Wear a mask when you’re on the move in public or crazy places. If the surgical mask is used, it is disposable, and in no case is it washable or reusable. The cover should also be based on the size of your face. It should be well-positioned on the nose, which is the padded side of the nasal strip; it should be positioned on the protrusion of the nose to protect it adequately. It is recommended to change the mask three or four times a day. 
  3. Careful hand washing (with soap and water) minimizes the risk of contamination after touching a surface that has previously been contaminated by a sick person. And then it affects the face, mouth, or eyes. Wash your hands every hour and necessarily after going out and any close contact with a sick person. 

wash your hands regularly with soap and water or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol after activities outside the home or in public places. Bring an alcoholic medical hydrogel with you, as it is not always possible to find a point of soap and water when leaving a public place. Therefore, your doctor recommends that you always bring an alcoholic hydro solution with you. If you can no longer find it in pharmacies, you can do it at home.

4. Do not touch your eyes, mouth, and nose before washing your hands. The nose, eyes, and mouth are possible entry points for the virus or any other germ. During an outbreak, it is best to avoid touching your face, eyes, and nose with potentially contaminated hands as much as possible. 

5. Avoid shaking hands or kissing to greet instead of Namaste. Avoid contact with animals, especially wild animals and birds. In case of contact with animals, wash your hands properly for twenty seconds. 

6. Cook the meat until thoroughly cooked before consumption.

7. Respiratory hygiene, in case of doubt that we are carriers of the virus, is an excellent preventive method to spread the disease. Coughing and sneezing into the elbow crease or into a handkerchief that will be thrown away immediately limits the possible exposure of the virus to those around us. 

8. Avoid being around people who have a fever, cough, or runny nose. You should observe a safe distance of at least one meter between you and a person who coughs or sneezes. This is the distance that allows not to be touched by drops from the nose or mouth that could contain the virus. When the place is limited, and this distance cannot be maintained. Doctors recommend that you turn your back on the patient so that secretions and drops are less likely to touch his face. 

9. Keep objects that are often touched clean and keep the environment clean. People over 70 should limit their outings and stay at home as much as possible in addition to those who suffer from chronic diseases, respiratory disorders, disabilities. Employees who can telecommute are encouraged to do so as much as possible. If you are sick, stay home and wear a surgical mask in the presence of others. 

Symptoms of the disease.

The main symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, and shortness of breath 14 days after returning from a risk area. As soon as these symptoms are found in you, visit the hospital to be tested for the virus. Collecting in public places should be avoided.

Upon the return and within 14 days of staying in an area where the virus actively circulates. The following operations can be performed: 

  • Temperature monitoring twice a day 
  • Tracking of the appearance of respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, etc.) 
  • Wear a mask in contact with other people, 
  • Clearance from frequent places where fragile people are found (hospitals, maternity wards, facilities for the elderly, etc.) 
  • The evacuation of all exits to public areas, in particular, large meetings, restaurants, cinemas 
  • Workers/students: teleworking (as soon as possible) is one of the measures to be taken on return from an epidemic area. 
  • For people suspected of being affected by COVID-19, there are several steps you can take to prevent Coronavirus from spreading to others, namely: 
  • don’t leave home, except for treatment and emergency. 
  • Check with your doctor if symptoms or complaints occur. 
  • Try to stay away from other uninfected people for a while. If this is not possible, use a separate bedroom and bathroom. 
  • Prohibit and prevent others from visiting it until it is completely healed. As far as possible, do not have meetings with sick people. 
  • Avoid sharing the use of cutlery and drinking equipment, toiletries, and sleeping equipment with others. 
  • Wear a mask and gloves when you are in a public place or with someone else. 
  • Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, then immediately throw the tissue in the trash. 

Follow these methods and maintain hygiene as much as possible.

Mehedi Hasan

Mehedi Hasan is an enthusiastic health blogger and the founder member of WOMS. He likes to share his thoughts to make people inspired about their fitness. He is an experienced writer and author on highly authoritative health blogs.

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