Myths and Facts about Coronavirus I Latest update

N Coronavirus(NCoV) newly named as Covid 19 is respiratory infections viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Now severe pneumonia is caused by NCoV. Recently WHO has alerted world health emergency regarding NCoV and WHO finally named this virus as COVID-19.
Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are disseminated between animals and human. NCoV pathogens are carried mainly by wild animals and act as a carrier for infectious respiratory diseases. Civet, bamboo mice, bat are the main carrier of coronavirus pathogen. Several known coronaviruses are diffusing in animals that have not yet infected humans.
Sign and Symptoms of Covid 19
The early symptoms of coronavirus pneumonia are
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Dry cough
- Gradually dyspnea
- Some patients with mild symptoms, but no fever.
Serious sign and symptoms are:
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome
- Septic shock,
- Metabolic acidosis,
- Bleeding
- coagulation dysfunction
Most of the patients are mild and moderate, with good prognosis.
There are some myths and facts as NCoV is spreading all over the world rapidly:
- As people say COVID-19 is the most dangerous virus that exists but the fact is there are much dangerous common flu virus which kills 60 times more people annually than coronavirus.
- People have a myth that people will die who will be diagnosed with coronavirus but the fact is only 2% of people have died who have been diagnosed with corona and have a weaker immune system. Many cases are also reported as being recovered from coronavirus
- I need to buy N95 mask and hazmat suit to stay protected from corona but the fact is staying away from the crowded area, wearing mask near market, hospitals. Also washing hands before touching face will keep you away from the corona
The latest update of the corona affected people in different region are
- China: 63936 confirmed cases, 1381 deaths 10109 suspected 7022 Recovered
- Thailand: 33 confirmed cases, 10 recovered and no death till now.
- Hong Kong: 53 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now 1 death count. 4.Taiwan. 18 cases have confirmed no death till now and 2 recovered cases
- Macau: 10 Confirmed cases of Covid 19 till now no death count and 2 recovered case.
- Malaysia: 19 Confirmed cases of Covid 19 till now no death count 3 recovered case.
- Singapore: 58 Confirmed cases of Covid 19 till now no death count, 9 cases are recovered.
- 8.Japan: 247 Confirmed cases of Covid 19 till now 1 death count and 1 case is recovered
- Australia: 15 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count 5 cases of recovery.
- The United States: 15 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count and 3 cases are recovered
- South Korea: 28 cases are currently reported and no death count 3 cases are recovered
- France: 11 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
- Germany: 16 Confirmed cases and 1 case is recently reported being recovered till now no death count.
- Canada: 7 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count 1 case recently reported being recovered
- Vietnam: 16 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count. 4 case is recently reported being recovered.
- Cambodia: 1 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
- Nepal: 1 Confirmed cases of coronavirus and till now no death count.
- The United Arab Emirates: 9 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
- Sri Lanka: 1 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
- Belgium: 1 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
- Sweden: 1 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
- Finland: 1 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
- Spain: 2 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
- Russia. 2 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
- Italy: 3 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
- India: 3 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
- The Philippines: 3Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now 1 death count.
- Canada: 7 Confirmed cases of coronavirus till now no death count.
Some Standard recommendations by Who health organization- WHO to prevent infection profusion include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Abstain close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing
some of the major precautions that can be taken at this stage to be safe from coronaviruses are
- ALWAYS WEAR MASK (N95 Mask): As N95 mask (mostly recommended) can filter 95% 0.3um particles and block virus which can cause airborne diseases.
- wash your hands whenever you come from the outside minimum for 20 sec.
- Mainly try to drink hot water.
- Wash your hands with soap and water after handling animals and animal products
- 5.Disinfect equipment and work area at least once a day
- 6.Wear protective clothing, gloves and face protection when handling animals and fresh animal products
- Take off your protective clothing after work, clean it daily and leave it in the work area.
- Be away from the patients who are being kept under observation.
- .Vitamin C is important in this situation to keep your immune system strong so intake vitamin C rich food.
- Whenever you are outside on journey Clean your hands with an alcohol-based disinfectant. Human coronaviruses are not resistant to acid or alkali and are sensitive to organic solvents and disinfectants.75% alcohol inactivates the virus, so alcohol-containing disinfection products of a certain concentration can be used as an alternative to washing hands with soap and running water.
As, there are no specific antiviral drugs for the novel coronavirus, and the treatment is mainly symptomatic and supportive. Avert blind or incongruous antibiotic therapy, especially in combination with broad-spectrum antibiotics. There is no vaccine available for the Covid 19. Developing a new vaccine could take years. So it is sanctioned to take all the precautions that could be taken to be safe from Covid 19.