Stillbirth Risk Calculator

A stillbirth risk calculator can be used to calculate the risk of stillbirth based on a number of variables. Your stillbirth risk calculator, however accurate it may be, will never be able to substitute a medical expert’s evaluation fully.
This article will go through what stillbirth is, how often it is, and the factors contributing to it.
What is a stillbirth risk calculator?
With the help of the stillbirth risk calculator, you can calculate the likelihood of stillbirth based on factors related to the mother, such as her comorbidities, obstetric history, and potential addictions.
What is stillbirth in pregnancy?
A stillbirth occurs when a fetus passes away in the womb after week 20 of pregnancy. One in three cases lacks an explanation of the causes. The other factors could be due to lifestyle decisions, high blood pressure, infections, birth deformities, or issues with the placenta or umbilical cord.
When the baby is delivered at or after six months (24 weeks) of pregnancy, there are no visible signs of life. Days or weeks before labour begins, the fetus may have passed away in the uterus. The fetus may very rarely pass away while labour is in progress. Stillbirths continue to occur and frequently go undiagnosed, even though prenatal care has significantly improved.
In the United States, 1 in 160 pregnancies ends in stillbirth each year, whereas, in the UK, 1 in 250 pregnancies does.
The number of pregnancy weeks affects how stillbirths are classified. Stillbirths can be classified into:
- Early stillbirth: Between 20 and 27 weeks, the fetus passes away.
- Late stillbirth: Between 28 and 36 weeks, the fetus passes away.
- Term stillbirth: After the 37th week, the fetus passes away.
What causes stillbirth?
A baby might pass away in the womb for a variety of causes. Less than 10% of stillbirths include babies with a genetic disorder or a fatal congenital anomaly. However, most of the time, the cause of death is not fully understood. Only a small percentage of deaths have a clear cause of death.
Poornewborn growth may be a risk factor in some; however, many babies who have poor growth survive. Consequently, it is still unclear why one poorly developed baby might be born alive, whereas another might be stillborn. A sizable percentage of times, the cause of death is unknown. Despite extensive examination, there is no explanation for the cause or risk factor for the baby’s death.
Common causes of stillbirth
Problems with the Placenta
During pregnancy, your uterus lining comprises an organ called the placenta. The fetus receives nutrition, oxygen, and blood through it and the umbilical cord. Placenta issues may cause nearly 25% of stillbirths. Infection, inflammation, and inadequate blood flow are some of these issues. When the placenta separates from the uterine wall before birth, it is called placental abruption.
Problems with the umbilical cord
The infant can’t obtain enough oxygen if the umbilical cord becomes tangled or compressed. Problems with the umbilical cord as a stillbirth cause are more likely to occur later in pregnancy.
Preeclampsia is a high blood pressure condition that frequently develops at the end of pregnancy. Preeclampsia doubles your chance of having a stillbirth or placental abruption.
Fetal death can result from infection between weeks 24 and 27. A bacterial infection typically spreads from your vagina to your uterus. The following infections can develop:
- Streptococcus
- Mycoplasma
- Haemophilus influenza
- Ureaplasma
- Enterococcus
- Klebsiella
- cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- toxoplasmosis
- fifth disease
- syphilis
- genital herpes
- listeriosis
- Maternal Health
The mother’s condition may play a role in stillbirth. Preeclampsia and chronic high blood pressure are two medical diseases that more frequently develop at the conclusion of the second trimester and the start of the third.
Other conditions include:
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Lupus
- Thyroid disorders
- Thrombophilia
- Birth Abnormalities
About 25% of stillbirths are the result of one or more birth abnormalities. Birth abnormalities are rarely found without a thorough study of the fetus, including an autopsy.
Risk factors of stillbirth?
Any pregnant woman, regardless of age, ethnicity, or background, can experience a stillbirth. But there are certain strategies to lessen your risk. A stillbirth is more likely to occur if you:
- Have a health issue, like diabetes or high blood pressure
- Smoke, consume alcohol, or partake in recreational drug use.
- Are obese
- Are older than 35 years old.
- Are underweight.
- Had a stillbirth before
- Had a traumatic or stressful year before giving birth.
- Has no access to prenatal care
What is the difference between Stillbirth and Miscarriage?
We distinguish between miscarriage and stillbirth based on the timing of the loss, even though both are considered pregnancy losses.
- A stillbirth occurs when a fetus is lost after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
- Miscarriage occurs before the 20th week of pregnancy.
What does a stillbirth do?
A stillbirth risk calculator considers these risk factors:
- Age and ethnicity of mother
- Body Mass Index (BMI)– pre-pregnancy weight is needed to calculate BMI.
- Diabetic or hypertensive conditions
- Alcohol and tobacco use during pregnancy
- Auto-immune disease
- Use of ISCI/IVF and prior obstetric history.
It is important to use a stillbirth risk calculator because it is really upsetting to have a stillbirth. When a stillbirth occurs for an unknown cause, the grief may be even more challenging to handle. If you require assistance, contact a mental health professional. Before, throughout, and after your pregnancy, stay in touch with your healthcare providers. Try your best to stay away from risk factors like drinking and smoking. Physical healing could take several months. Even after a stillbirth, a woman can have healthy children. Here we need our article with details about the stillbirth risk calculator and more detail about the pregnancy.
Which week sees the highest rate of stillbirth?
A late stillbirth happens after 28 to 36 full weeks of pregnancy. A term stillbirth happens when at least 37 completed weeks of pregnancy have passed. So it’s better to use a stillbirth risk calculator to avoid the loss.
What are the options for stillbirth treatment?
Dilating the cervix and delivering the fetus and tissues with the aid of equipment are treatments for stillbirth. Utilizing drugs to widen the cervix cause the uterus to contract and force the fetus and tissues out of the mother.
Can a stillborn child survive?
In the birth room, most babies unexpectedly delivered without a heartbeat can be successfully revived. 48% of successfully revived babies have a normal outcome or mild-to-moderate disability.