Medical Cases
A Tale of Love, Struggle, and Sacrifice: True Partners in Sickness(Gangrene)
In the world of medicine, we encounter diverse cases that are both challenging and heart-warming. One such case revolves around…
Medical Case Related to Diabetes Mellitus
An obese female patient of 52 years suffering from increased urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger. She also suffered from…
Case: Numbness and tingling sensations in his lower limb (foot drop)
A 57-year-old patient was given a course of antibiotics by the intramuscular injections in his left gluteal region during his…
Lump in Breast
A 55-years old female complained to her family physician of a hard painless lump in the upper and outer portion…
Porter’s Tip Hand
A baby boy was delivered in a hospital by an obstetrician by pulling the baby’s head using forceps (forceps delivery).…
Axillary Nerve
A 45-year-old man, a chronic user of a crutch went to his family physician and complained that he had noticed…
Median Cubital Vein
A 38-years-old female went to the pathologist for a routine blood examination. The pathologist asked the technician to collect the…
Popeye Deformity
A 45-years old weight lifter while lifting the heavy weight in weight-lifting competition suddenly he felt a sudden snap and…
Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus
A 55-year old individual sustained a severe blow on his right flexed elbow. He developed pain and swelling in the…
A 14- year-old Boy with unidentified recurring fever
Background A 14 years old boy in Japan presents with a 2-week history of unrelenting fever and generalized fatigue. He…
Case: Shoulder pain in an Adolescent Boy
An 18-year-old adolescent boy presents with left shoulder pain following a fall from tree 2 days prior. He is unable…
Case: shoulder injury following the bike accident
A 39-year old man is brought to the emergency department for evaluation of a shoulder injury sustained as the result…