What happened at NRS Medical College and hospital in 2020?
‘Soon after the relatives were told about the death, they started abusing our colleagues and alleged negligence’

NRS Medical College News 2020
Violence against the doctors
Some people steer Mohammad Sayeed (patient) assailed two females and a male intern in the medicine ward of NRS medical college and hospital around 5:45 pm on Monday after the 75-year-old patient died. This became one of the widely spread NRS medical college news.
“ He had suffered acute cardiac arrest and in the evening the patient developed arrhythmia or irregular heartbeats. several injections were administered but he died.” a junior doctor said.
“ soon after the relatives were told about the death, they started abusing our colleagues and alleged negligence in treatment. Three of them infiltrated the ward and pushed the female interns.”
The three persons who pushed and abused the interns went away.
“ When the relatives returned to take away the body, my colleagues demanded an apology from the three who had assaulted them,” a doctor said.
Two people with the relatives apologized but they were not the ones who had assaulted the doctors. The doctors stick to their demand and a small team of cops arrived from an outpost on the college.
“The relatives are claiming we did not allow them to take the body away but that is not true. The body was sent for post-mortem because they alleged negligence,” another junior doctor said. “While leaving, the assaulters threatened that the doctors would be thrashed again later.”
The interns altered the police outpost at the hospital and Entally police station but the police did not act. “Around 10:45 pm, nearly 200 men came. They assaulted four students,” a doctor said.
The four raised the alarm and were joined by their friends. “ they catapulting stones and coconut shells at us. Many of our colleagues were injured,” the doctor said.
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Relatives on this NRS medical college news
Mohammad Sayeed did not have any complications till around 5 pm on Monday when relatives started looking for a doctor to attend to him.
One-and –a-half hours were emaciated running from one floor to another looking for a doctor.
“My father-in-law was feeling uneasy. we asked the doctors to manage to Abbu but they kept saying he was not their patient. Around one-and-a-half hours went like this. Finally, a doctor turned up with an injection. My father-in-law ended breathing after being given the injection,” Sayed’s son-in-law Mohammad Mansur Alam said.
Some of them flew into a rage because the doctors did not attend to the patient on time.
“We went to claim the body around 10 pm. The doctors declined to release the body and demanded an apology from those who had misbehaved with them. I personally apologized on their behalf. But that was not sufficient for them,” Alam said.
“very late a night a group of doctors came out of the building with hockey sticks and chains and attacked us.”
The additional relative said: “A conflict developed and the police lathi-charged the family members. The police never hit doctors, we are the ones who get hit.”
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Police words on the NRS medical college incident
The cops posted at the hospital tried to calm the situation and defended some relatives into the hospital compound where they could meet the doctors and apologize to them.
“It was assured that the meeting would take place in an open space inside the hospital. But when the police and the relatives were about to outstretch the spot, a section of doctors rushed out of the building and chased away the police and the relatives,” an officer said.
During the melee, someone hurls a stone that hit one of the doctors on his head, an officer said.

Another officer said the ‘missile’ that hit the doctor could be a coconut shell. “A lot of coconuts are available on another side of the road,” the officer said.
The police said the lock they had put on the main gate to avert a confrontation between the relatives of Sayeed had heckled some alleging medical negligence.
Three people were arrested from the spot while two more were picked up at night. The police said at least two more persons – both members of the group that unleased violence- would be arrested.
An inquiry has been introduced under the leadership of the joint commissioner of police (special task force), Subhankar Sinha sarkar. Police commissioner Anuj Sharma held meetings with officials of the hospital and the health department.
Source: The Teligraph India
NRS medical college news on dead COVID-19 suspects
The NRS Medical College and Hospital has decided not to perform COVID tests after the death of patients without COVID symptoms. However, the hospital adheres to other ICMR issued guidelines on carcass management in all cases. Continue testing for dead individuals with COVID symptoms, including SARI (Severe Acute Respiratory Infection)
The hospital Rogy Kalyan Samity (RKS) made the decision on Saturday for the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Chairperson, Dr Santhanu Sen. Medical, forensic, microbiology, and other hospital officials attended.
“Conducting COVID tests on all dead patients may result in wastes resources, increases the pressure on corpses while waiting for a report, and worries family members.” There is no use of the result after the patient dies, Sen said, adding that body and cremation protocols are followed in the case of Covid’s death.
NRS medical college news – Official statements
A senior NRS doctor who attended the meeting said: “The NRS was a referral hospital and many died. There were people who died within hours of arriving at the hospital, with no time to investigate. The test is performed only on those with COVID symptoms. “
There is no justification for conducting a post-mortem on the Covid-19 test. What if the report is involuntary or falsely negative? This is a waste of resources. Also, guidelines on many aspects of COVID vary, ”said Pradeep Mitra, State COVID Management and Control Committee Coordinator.
Sukumar Mukherjee, a member of the state COVID Advisory Committee, said: “There is no justification in examining every dead patient. If the attending physician finds the examination necessary, it should be done. “
Some states, including Delhi, do not test all dead patients. In Bengal, however, some hospitals conducted such tests and kept the corpses at the border until reports were received. But hospitals like SSKM do not conduct tests on dead patients. Private hospitals in Kolkata also follow this protocol.
On May 19, ICMR instructed all hospitals in the country to take nasal swab samples from the bodies of COVID patients for testing. The state government did not give specific advice on this. “We expect clear guidance from the health department on this issue soon,” a government hospital official said.