Transforming Lives in Denver: The Latest in Bariatric Surgery Options

Bariatric surgery is a weight loss solution that helps people shed unwanted or potentially life threatening weight. Surgeons and healthcare providers recommend Denver bariatric surgery when other weight loss procedures don’t work and obesity appears riskier than the surgery. Bariatric surgery modifies the digestive system, including the stomach and the small intestine. There are different bariatric surgery types, each focusing on regulating calorie consumption and absorption. The surgery reduces the hunger pangs that travel from the digestive system to the brain making it a high efficacy solution to weight loss.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Also referred to as sleeve gastrectomy, it is the most common bariatric surgery type in the USA. It is a simple and safe procedure with fewer complications and risks. The gastric sleeve surgery eliminates around 80% of the stomach and leaves behind a tiny, tubular area, like a sleeve. It reduces the amount of food an individual consumes and makes him feel fuller for a prolonged period. Due to the reduction in hunger hormones, the metabolism stabilizes, decreasing appetite and regular blood sugar levels.
BPD-DS or Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Surgery
Also known as gastric reduction, the duodenal switch is the classic version of the duodenal switch. The surgical procedure combines the gastric sleeve with an intestinal bypass. It is similar to gastric bypass surgery but is extreme. The surgery bypasses around 75% of the small intestine, and the surgical procedure reduces hunger hormones. Furthermore, the BPD-DS is a surgery type that restricts calorie and nutrition absorption in the small intestine. It makes gastric reduction duodenal switch surgery an effective procedure for weight loss and managing diabetes.
Gastric Bypass Surgery
Also known as Roux-en-Y, the small intestine ends up in the form of the letter Y with the surgical procedure. A surgeon creates a small pouch on the topmost portion of the stomach, dividing it from the lower part of the stomach with the help of surgical staples. The next step involves the surgeon dividing the small intestine and bringing the next part up to connect to the pouch. The food flows through the small, lower, and new parts of the small intestine, bypassing the remaining. It limits the amount of food the stomach holds, and the small intestine absorbs the nutrition. Limiting the small intestine makes the surgical procedure more convenient and effective than the gastric restriction procedures.
SIPS or Stomach Intestinal Pylorus Sparing Surgery
It is a new bariatric surgery procedure intended to decrease operation complications. SIPS is the modified version of the traditional duodenal switch surgery, also called the Loop Duodenal Switch or SADI-s. The surgical procedure is still under experimentation, but clinical trials and evidence show promising outcomes. There is a possibility that the latest bariatric surgery version will replace the traditional duodenal switch surgery soon. The latest version starts with a sleeve gastrectomy and divides the initial portion of the small intestine adjacent to the stomach. It is reattached like a loop that demands one surgical connection instead of two, as in the traditional duodenal switch. It indicates that the method allows more absorption of nutrients to stay healthy.
Post-Operation Care
During the first year post-surgery, the healthcare provider will monitor the patient frequently via follow-up visits and tests. The routine metabolic blood tests monitor health improvements and check nutritional deficiencies. In the second year, if the individual maintains good health and loses anticipated weight, body contouring is an option to tighten loose tissues and eliminate additional skin folds.
How Much Weight is Lost?
Around 90% of patients lose more than 50% to 60% of excess weight in the first two years after a bariatric surgery. Different surgical procedures show distinct results. For instance, the average weight loss after a duodenal switch surgery is 85%. On the other hand, after a gastric bypass, the excess body weight loss is 70%. The weight loss post gastrectomy ranges from 35% to 85% from 12 months to 24 months.
Also Check: All You Need to Know About Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery is the safest and the most effective long-term treatment for Class III obesity. People with severe obesity can’t lose weight with exercise and diet and pose a risk for life-threatening health complications. Healthcare providers recommend Denver bariatric surgery with Dr. Joshua Long, a highly regarded practice for those seeking out the highest probability of success in their weight loss journey.