Will Vaping Really Improve Your Health?

Are you a smoker who is interested in quitting but do not know how to mitigate the power of the nicotine cravings? If so, the good news is that there is an alternative like Nicotine Free Vapes to suffer intense cravings when attempting to quit smoking.
By way of expanding on this statement, let’s consider the alternatives to smoking tobacco.
1. The evidence to support vaping over smoking
Public Health England and the Canadian Royal College of Physicians report that vaping using nicotine-based vaping products is 95% less harmful than smoking. This report is based on a research study by the Royal College of Physicians.
The Canadian Vaping Association website has the following to say about this study:
“This study found that toxicological, clinical, and epidemiological evidence all indicates that the chemicals found in nicotine e-liquid vapor are well below the levels of chemicals present in cigarette smoke.”
And “the available data suggests that [the chemicals in vape products] are unlikely to exceed 5% of those associated with combusted tobacco products.”
On the other hand, smoking combustible tobacco products is dangerous. The American Cancer Society expands on this statement.
“Smoke from all cigarettes, natural or otherwise, has many chemicals that can cause cancer (carcinogens) and toxins that come from burning the tobacco itself, including tar and carbon monoxide.”
Note: Menthol cigarettes have a sting in the tail like a scorpion. They are easier to smoke in that the added menthol has a cooling effect, reducing or suppressing the cough reflex, and prevents the dry feeling in the throat that smokers have. While smoking menthol cigarettes might taste good, smokers can inhale deeper and hold the smoke in longer, allowing the toxic chemicals and tar to circulate through the lungs for longer, causing more damage.
Additionally, this explains why smoking menthol cigarettes find it much harder to quit than smokers of traditional cigarettes. Secondly, menthol cigarette smokers have a higher risk of contracting lung cancer in certain parts of their lungs.
2. Vaping nicotine-based e-liquids helps smokers quit
Public Health England has noted in a report that they believe that smokers wanting to quit should move across to vaping nicotine-based e-liquids to help them quit without experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms.
At this juncture, it is essential to note that non-smokers should not begin vaping nicotine-based e-liquids.
The American website, heart.org, describes nicotine as a dangerous and highly addictive substance that can have a negative effect on the human body. It can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and a narrowing of the arteries that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Additionally, nicotine can contribute to a thickening of the artery walls, which, in turn, can lead to a heart attack. Depending on how often you smoke within a 24-hour period, nicotine can stay in your body for between six and eight hours.
Have you ever considered why nicotine is so addictive?
An article published in the Harvard Medical School journal provides the answer to this question.
“Cigarettes are addictive because they are so efficient at delivering nicotine to the brain.”
It is worth noting that you do not have to smoke to become addicted to nicotine. People become addicted to nicotine, irrespective of the delivery mechanism. This is why non-smokers should not start vaping nicotine-based e-liquids.
Nicotine is addictive because when it is absorbed into the bloodstream, it triggers a reaction in the brain’s reward center. In other words, nicotine increases the activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the part of the brain called the Nucleus Accumbens.
Therefore, the smoker experiences a pleasurable sensation when smoking cigarettes. When stress levels rise, or this sensation wears off, the smoker experiences the craving to smoke another cigarette. This rule applies to anyone ingesting a nicotine-based substance.
Now that we understand the effect of nicotine on the human brain, the question that should be asked and answered is how vaping can help smokers quit.
Nicotine-based e-liquids come in different strengths, from 60mg right down to zero nicotine. Therefore, smokers, especially heavy smokers, must start vaping the strongest nicotine-based e-liquid, and over time, reduce the strength vaped right down to zero nicotine.
There is also a behavioral element to smoking. Smokers get used to holding cigarettes in their hands. It’s all associated with the pleasurable experience described above. Thus, when smokers quit smoking, they also struggle with the idea that they cannot physically hold the cigarette. Vaping provides the answer to this challenge in that holding the vape pen or e-cigarette while ingesting the nicotine replaces the need to hold a cigarette.
Final thoughts
Because vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking combustible tobacco-based products, transitioning from smoking to vaping will improve your health without a shadow of a doubt. Not only will vaping nicotine-based e-liquids prevent nicotine cravings, but it will also reduce the negatives of smoking while providing the time and space to quit smoking in a healthy way.