What is Laser Tattoo Removal?

More often than you think, people are not very happy with the tattoos that they get. This is mostly a result of impulsive decisions or simply life situations. However, this is not something that has to concern you much nowadays. You can even find a few of the best laser tattoo removal in Los Angeles.
Understanding a tattoo
When you get a tattoo etched onto your skin, the ink is placed underneath the top layer of your skin. This is especially why tattoo removal becomes complicated and has to be removed through methods like
- Laser surgery
- Surgical removal
- Dermabrasion
Most cases requiring removal result from an unsatisfactory appearance or regret. Other important reasons to remove your tattoos promptly include allergic reactions or complications like sepsis.
Getting started
Once you make the decision to get your tattoo removed, the right way to proceed would be to approach or consult a dermatologist. It is not advisable to try and get rid of your tattoo with your own remedies, simple creams, or home treatments. These measures might end up leaving their own side effects more serious than your tattoo itself.
Once you consult with your designated dermatologist, they will be able to educate you on the available options and help you pick out the method which suits your needs and most importantly your tattoo. While laser removal is more than enough for a few tattoos, a few may only be possible to remove through rather serious measures like surgical excision.
Laser surgery
As of common knowledge, a tattoo is simply ink or pigment deposited within the layers of your skin. A laser works by breaking these pigments using its high-intensity light beam. Different tattoo colors absorb different wavelengths of the laser, black being the most absorbent is easiest to remove.
Depending upon a variety of associated factors like the size of your tattoo, your skin tone, your age, the color of ink used, etc. the removal technique might differ, and so will the number of laser exposures or pulses you will need. In any case, complete removal of a tattoo requires multiple sessions and is lightened with every treatment.
There are different kinds of laser systems that are currently in use for tattoo removal. Here are a few popular ones you should know about.
- Q-switched lasers:
They work by a single powerful pulse. They release enough energy with that one beam and are the treatment of choice for most tattoos.
- Q-switched Nd: YAG lasers:
This is a variant of the same which is better suited for usage on darker skin. This uses advanced techniques to prevent permanently altering the pigment of your skin.
Things to be aware of
Prior to your laser session, your skin will be injected with a dose of local anesthetic at the site of removal. At the time of laser treatment, you will be given a pair of protective eye gear, following which the technician passes intense light pulses. These pulses are targeted only at the top so that it gets absorbed by the tattoo pigment.
Despite being the safest option to choose, laser treatment does come with a few minor risks. Here are a few side effects you should keep in mind before opting for laser removal.
- Complete removal cannot be assured
- Risk of infection
- Hypopigmentation
Thanks to the improving techniques and studies about how tattoos can be reversed, tattoo removal has now become a pretty common thing. Laser tattoo removal is the best option now, and is being done by many trained personnel around the world. However, it is very important to get this treatment at a trained and approved setup to avoid any possible risks.