15 Tips to Relaxing During Colder Months

Winter is a beautiful time of year, but it can also be the most stressful. With the holiday season in full swing and cold weather outside to contend with, not to mention all of your other commitments that pile up during this time, you may find yourself feeling frazzled. But don’t worry! There are many ways to take some much-needed time for yourself and relax through these colder months. Sometimes we can adjust our habits. Other times, we may benefit from natural supplements like CBD products. Keep reading for fifteen wintertime tips on how you can keep stress at bay this December and January!
1. Turn Off Electronics – Put down your phone or tablet even if it’s just for an hour, preferably before bedtime (and make sure your kids do too!). This will help you wind down after a long day without worrying about checking your social media feeds or streaming the next episode of your favorite show.
2. Get More Magnesium – Incorporate more magnesium into your diet through leafy greens like spinach,, which is easy to work into your meals (you can even sneak it into smoothies if you don’t like eating raw greens). Pumpkin seeds are very high in magnesium and eat to pack, along with almonds, peanuts, and dark chocolate. Not only is magnesium a natural muscle relaxer, but it also helps alleviate stress and fatigue. According to clinical investigation, this is especially true when you take it with Vitamin B6.
3. Indulge in a Relaxing Bath – Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or a spoonful of Epsom salts to help you relax even more at the end of a long day. Soaking in warm water will help you unwind, soothe sore muscles, and put you into a calmer headspace. Plus, during chillier months, who doesn’t love a steamy hot bath?
4. Get a Massage – A back, neck, and shoulder massage is ideal for relieving tension and stress in those areas. Ask a loved one to give you a massage after work or treat yourself and book an appointment with your local spa. If you receive medical benefits from your workplace, massages might also be covered. Check those details to find out, so you don’t miss out!
5. Develop a Calming Nighttime Routine – Make sure you get enough sleep every night by winding down before bed. For example, keep a journal beside your bed and spend some time writing in it before you fall asleep or try reading a relaxing book. Also, be sure to switch off electronics at least an hour before bedtime too.
6. Take an Herbal Supplement – Many herbal supplements are available that calm the body and mind by supporting natural functions such as sleep and relaxation, including chamomile tea and California poppy. Some are available as essential oils, others in tinctures or capsules that you can take orally. Check out your local health food store or pharmacy for some great options.
7. Practice Deep Breathing Exercises – Deep breathing is an excellent tool for calming your body and mind when you feel overwhelmed or stressed out by all of your responsibilities. It’s simple too! Try inhaling through your nose for a count of five and exhaling through your mouth for the same length of time to help soothe yourself. Repeat at least three times. With each breath, let your shoulders fall and other muscles relax. Before you know it, you’ll be feeling the serenity! The best part is, it can be done anywhere, from busy stores to your parked car to your office.
8. Add CBD to Your Routine – A non-psychoactive compound found in hemp, CBD can be an effective relaxation supplement when added to your daily routine. For example, add a serving of your CBD drops to your favorite tea before bed and enjoy the calming effects.
9. Make Time for Yourself – We all get busy with work, school, family responsibilities, and other commitments. Still, we need to make time for ourselves as well. That’s why it’s so important to practice relaxation techniques such as those mentioned above. This is especially true during the winter months when our schedules get super busy with various work and family obligations. Never forget that you need to fill your own cup before you can pour it into others!
10. Add Vitamin D to Your Routine – Research has shown that Vitamin D can help you cope with stress and alleviate anxiety. It’s beneficial if you’re susceptible to depression during the darker winter months when you get less sunlight. In addition, a Vitamin D supplement will help produce serotonin, which can help improve mood.
11. Spend Time in Nature – There’s nothing like taking a nice walk outside on a sunny day or going for a swim at the beach during warmer months. If you’re like many people, though, and the winter weather is causing you to stay inside all day, then take some time outside in your backyard or in a local park. Or take a trip to the local arboretum to explore their trails! Just be sure to dress appropriately, which includes layering, so you can stay warm or cool off as needed.
12. Go on Creative Outings – Painting, singing, writing, and poetry! Whatever your creative outlet is, take your supplies with you and spend time doing it outside your home during the colder months. This could be outdoors at a local café with some delicious hot cocoa or even in a class with other aspiring learners. Just break out of the four walls of your home to avoid cabin fever and to get those juices going again.
13. Treat Yourself to a Spa Day – Women and men are increasingly discovering the mental health benefits of a full or even half-day of spa treatments. This is genuinely self-care at its best! It doesn’t have to be pricey, either. There are many special and seasonal offers that you can take advantage of to relax and spend some time pampering yourself. Just keep your eyes peeled and follow your favorite places on social media to ensure you don’t miss out!
14. Go on a Culinary Adventure – Whether it’s baking your family’s special chocolate chip cookie recipe at home or finally dining out at that fancy place down the street, enjoying comfort foods and culinary delights is a great way to spend your day as the weather gets colder outside. It also helps make your home smell heavenly!
15. Watch Movies – There are so many TV shows out during this time of year that you can watch, but nothing is better than watching a movie in the comfort of your home on a winter day. Whether you’re breaking out a classic from childhood, getting to that summer blockbuster you didn’t have a chance to watch or taking up a friend on a recent recommendation, the options abound. And now, with the abundance of streaming services available, the possibilities are endless! So get the popcorn ready. It’s showtime!
Don’t Worry, Be Relaxed
The colder months bring snow, ice, and chilly weather. Not to mention, they can be stressful too! Many of us start to hibernate during the colder months and stop doing the things we love, even at home. But that’s not a good thing! When we stay inside too much and don’t get enough of the self-care we need, our mood can suffer. So, it’s essential to keep your spirits up this winter season!