The Latest Trends In Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery Procedures

Cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures have been on the rise as millions of people go under the knife each year to look precisely how they want to. In a survey of 1,000 American women, one in ten expressed their desire to have cosmetic plastic surgery done to them, and 25% of respondents who had procedures before said that they would like additional work done. Cosmetic plastic surgery ranges from minor procedures, such as removing skin tags on the body, to major ones such as breast augmentation or nose reshaping. In the past decade, people’s priorities have changed regarding what they want to be done. While surgical procedures such as breast augmentation is still a popular choice, there is a recent increase in the following cosmetic procedures.
Ear Pinning
Ear pinning, also known as otoplasty, is a surgery that alters the ears’ shape, size, or position. It is most commonly done on children with protruding ears, but it can also be done on adults who are not happy with their ear shape. The surgery takes about two hours and is done under general anesthesia. Most people require just one stitch to close the wound. Recovery time is usually quick, and most people can return to work within a few days. Otoplasty procedures, which have an average cost of $3,100, have risen in the past year due to the increase in celebrities who have had the surgery done and the need for people to look good in Zoom meetings.
Body Contouring
Lockdown weight gain is real, and according to a recent study, almost 22% of adults reported to have gained a few pounds during the COVID-19 pandemic. As soon as lockdown restrictions were lifted, this caused a surge in people looking for clinics near them for body contouring procedures. With more than 211,000 procedures done in 2020, liposuction is still the top body contouring procedure of choice to get rid of excess fats gained during the lockdown. Other body contouring procedures include tummy tucks, breast lifts, and arm lifts. The average cost of a body contouring procedure is $6,800, so choosing a cosmetic dermatology clinic that specializes in this type of treatment is a must to get the most out of your money and prevent a botched procedure.
Nose Reshaping
Rhinoplasty was the number one cosmetic procedure in the U.S. in 2020. The increase in rhinoplasty procedures may be attributed to people wanting to look good since work-from-home set-ups emphasize people’s faces during video calls. The surgery can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $15,000, and the average cost is $7,200. There are many different techniques that a plastic surgeon may use for rhinoplasty, so it is essential to do your research before choosing a surgeon.
These are just some of the latest cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures. Be sure to do your research to find the best procedure for you. Remember, these surgeries should not be taken lightly and should only be done by a qualified professional.