Various Reasons to Delay Period When You are Not Pregnant

Many people can automatically assume that they may be pregnant when their period is late, but many things can affect your monthly menstrual cycle and cause it to be late. It does not have to be because you are pregnant, which may be a relief to some people, and many things can make you late. Below are some of the various things that can cause your period to be late so you can understand more about your monthly cycle and what affects it better.
You can get medication such as period delay tablets from Click Chemist that can delay your period if you want. Still, other medicines you take can also hinder your menstrual cycle unintentionally. If you are taking a new medication and your period is late, it can be due to your medicine, so you will want to look at its side effects in detail. If you have concerns about this, speak to your doctor and see what they say, and they may be able to offer an alternative medication.
You can also find that breastfeeding can affect your menstrual cycle and make your period late. It is relatively common for women who recently have given birth and are breastfeeding not to get their period, which is common. The condition is known as lactational amenorrhea.
Weight Loss or Weight Gain
If you have recently gained or lost a significant amount of weight, this can also affect the regularity of your period. The changes in your body from the weight loss or gain and hormone levels can affect your menstrual cycle and make it late. You often find that people suffering from eating conditions such as bulimia or anorexia can suffer from irregular menstrual cycles. If this fits your situation, you will want to consult with your doctor and seek help for your medical condition.
Another factor that can cause delays in your period is when you are under a lot of stress. Chronic stress can throw your body out of synch, and a side effect of this is delaying your period. When you are suffering from prolonged stress, your body can induce amenorrhea, which prevents your cycle from starting.
Increased Exercise
You can also find that an increase in the exercise you do can also delay your period, which the reduced estrogen levels in your system can cause. The estrogen in your body regulates the female reproduction system, and when these hormone levels are low, it will affect when you get your period. It is common for some athletes to not have a period for as long as six months when exercising rigorously before a competition.
Changing Sleep Patterns
If you work in a job where you are changing shifts regularly, meaning you work rotating days and nights, this can also affect your menstrual cycle and delay your period. The circadian rhythm is your internal clock that regulates some of the important cellular processes in your body, and when this is affected, it can change when you have your period.
These are some things that can delay your period, but there are more besides. You can find polycystic ovary syndrome (PSO), thyroid dysfunction, or perimenopause can all affect your period and its regularity. If your period is delayed and you are not pregnant, speak to your doctor about the situation and see if they can recommend anything to help get your cycle back on track.