The 10 Pregnancy Do’s and Don’ts Every Anticipating Mom Should Know

Pregnancy is a long but fulfilling journey. At first, it may be exhausting and tedious, but it is worth it in the end. There are things like pregnancy do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of.
A saying goes, “mother knows best”; this means that mothers do what they know is best for their child. Every anticipating mom would want to keep their baby healthy. They know the importance of taking Prenatal Vitamins to have a safe delivery and healthy baby.
First-time mommies have that instinct to nurture their children. It becomes an involuntary reflex that even when they are sleeping, they are unconsciously doing.
Future mothers will always want what is best for their children. Here are the ten pregnancy do’s and don’ts every anticipating mom should know:
Pregnancy DO’s and Don’ts
Here are the list of the pregnancy do’s and don’ts that every pregnant mother and parents should know about. Let’s begin with the do’s.
The Do’s
Mothers anticipate a safe and healthy nine months of pregnancy. To have that, here are the things pregnant moms should do:
Do take prenatal vitamins.
It is necessary to take the Best Pregnancy Vitamins during the months of the pregnancy. Anticipating mothers should take vitamins rich in vitamin D and folic acid. Vitamin D helps the baby develop bones, muscles, and teeth. Folic acid reduces the baby’s risk of defects and health problems.
Anticipating moms should only take any drug with the consent and prescription of an ob-gyn.
There are many benefits of taking Prenatal Vitamins for pregnant mothers, these includes:
- helps your baby receive the maximum nutrition during the pregnancy
- helps stimulate milk production for breastfeeding
- helps build strong teeth and bones for the baby
- prevent potential birthing defects
- production of red blood cells
- support the development of the placenta and fetus
Do eat well
Anticipating mothers should eat a balanced diet. Eating a balanced diet will sustain the energy and nutrients needed for their child’s growth.
Below is a list of food that pregnant women should focus on eating:
- fruits and vegetables
- protein-riched food like fish, chicken, and eggs
- nuts and beans
- dairy products like milk and cheese
- water
Do stay active
Pregnant moms should not be afraid to exercise. Staying active can help pregnant women sleep well and reduce stress and anxiety. Make sure the activity does not strain you too much.
There are different exercise or activity that future mothers can do, these includes:
- swimming
- pilates
- indoor cycling
- running and walking
- low impact aerobics
- yoga and meditation
Do talk to a doctor
Pregnancy is a huge milestone. You need to talk to a health care professional to monitor the baby’s growth.
Schedule an appointment with your doctor within the first six to eight weeks of your pregnancy. Your ob-gyn will schedule the succeeding check-ups within the duration of the pregnancy.
Some tests are a part of pregnancy check-ups, including:
- family history or genetics screening
- ultrasound scans
- chronic villus sampling (CVS)
- fetal monitoring
- amniocentesis
- sugar level or glucose test
- group B streptococcus (GBS) screening
Do stay hydrated
Future mothers should remain hydrated. When the weather is hot during summer, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids. The benefits of drinking water for pregnant women are as follows:
- decreases the risks for hemorrhoids
- decreases constipation
- to avoid preterm labor and birth
- soften skins
- decreases risks of urinary tract infections (UTI)
- keeps you and the baby cooler
- increases energy
The Don’ts
Pregnancy is delicate. There are many things that you should not be doing to keep you and your baby safe, this includes:
Do not smoke.
If you were a smoker before you got pregnant, it is now the best time to quit. Smoking is dangerous for pregnancy. It affects not only the mother’s health but the baby’s growth.
Pregnant mothers should not smoke because of the following reasons:
- smoking slows the baby’s growth
- smoking increases the risks of preterm labour
- results in a premature birth
- results in baby’s birth complications
- smoking doubles the risk of abnormal bleeding
- increases risks of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Do not drink alcohol.
Drinking alcohol is dangerous to pregnant women. Alcohol can cause problems in the development of the baby. Drinking alcohol causes the following complications:
- higher risk for miscarriage or premature birth
- low birth weight of the baby
- fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
- child’s learning and behavior
- bones, joints, muscles, and organs deformities
- child’s poor emotions and development of social skills
- speech problems
- child’s hyperactivity and impulse control
Do not raw and undercooked food
Raw and undercooked food or meat is not advisable for pregnant women. Eating these kinds of food can cause the following complications to the pregnancy:
- Toxoplasma parasite infection
- food poisoning
- salmonella bacteria
- Vibrionaceae norovirus
- infant botulism
- Listeria
Do not drink too much caffeine
A high level of caffeine intake can lead to pregnancy complications. Pregnant women can still consume a minimal amount of caffeine. But if you can cut off from consumption, it is advisable for pregnancy.
Here are the following products containing caffeine a pregnant woman should limit intake:
- coffee
- tea
- soft and energy drinks
- hot cocoa and chocolate syrup
- chocolate products
- some medicines
Do not take unregulated and unprescribed drugs.
Taking unprescribed drugs leads to a detrimental effect on you and the baby. Drugs like cannabis, cocaine, and psychoactive substances are not advisable to take during pregnancy because of the following:
- drugs interfere with the fetal development
- high risks of premature labor and birth
- miscarriage and stillbirth
- damages the baby’s organ
- damage to the placenta and fetus
What are the things to remember during pregnancy?
Pregnancy is lovely, and the journey brings people working together for the mother’s and the baby’s safety. As an anticipating mom, you should be able to take care of yourself and the baby you are carrying in your womb.
Ask for help from the people around you even when you feel you do not need it. Do not do the pregnancy alone, and being around people will ensure the safe delivery of the baby.
Most pregnant women think that pregnancy is restraining them. However, that is not the case. You should be able to do what you usually do, and you can still work and do activities. But always remember to be cautious with it because you are not just taking care of yourself but the baby you have inside your womb.
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