Elevated liver enzymes in dogs: How to cure it?

Elevated Liver enzymes in dogs can be one of the reasons why your canine might get sick. Whether it be due to poor diet, not enough exercise, or genetic conditions, you need to find out why your best friend is ill and quickly treat the problem.
To avoid the issue from spiraling into a serious condition, make sure you take any health concerns with your pet seriously. Although it may have a high vet bill, it will be worth it in the long run.
Fortunately, for some health concerns, you don’t even need to take your pet to the vet! Instead, you can use all-natural solutions that can help cure the problem and the unwanted symptoms that are occurring from the original issue.
Learn more about the elevated liver enzymes in dogs and natural solutions to treat it
What are the causes of elevated liver enzymes in dogs?
There are various reasons for the causes of elevated liver enzymes in dogs. But it can be further narrowed down into hepatic and Extra-hepatic.
Hepatic causes are the causes that occur due to some problem in the liver organ itself. Some of the Hepatic causes are:
- Viruses and Bacteria can affect the Liver.
- The presence of Tumors in liver can affect the organ and elevate liver enzymes.
- If the dog can ingest toxins such as paracetamol, xylitol and some blue-green algae and mushroom it can elevate the enzymes.
- In elderly dogs there is changes in the liver due to age which it ultimately increases the liver enzymes.
Extra-hepatic causes are the causes that occurred by the problem outside the liver organ. Some of them are:
- Although being a disease of adrenal gland and thyroid gland, diseases like hyper-adrenocorticism and hypothyroidism can cause elevated liver enzymes.
- If the dog is suffering from diseases such as pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease then it can cause elevated liver enzymes.
What are the 3 natural solutions to cure elevated liver enzymes in dogs?
If you find that your dog has very high enzyme levels due to a problem with its liver, you need to find out what is causing this issue and how you can treat it quickly.
The liver is an important organ for both humans and dogs, with the liver helping to prevent blood clotting, aiding in digestion, and removing unwanted particles from your dog’s system. If the enzyme levels are too high, it can cause issues with your pup and make them sick.
Some of the most common symptoms for elevated liver enzymes for dogs include a loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, increased thirst, increased need to pee, confusion, jaundice, signs of weakness, blood in their urine, seizures, or ascites.
The main cause of liver problems in dogs includes aging, genetic conditions, or trauma to a certain area that can hurt your pup’s liver. Be careful what medications you give to your dog, as this can sometimes affect their liver function. The main causes of elevated liver enzymes in dogs include some plants, bacterial diseases, mold, untreated heartworms, diabetes, or the use of painkillers.
Let’s see the top natural solutions for how to cure elevated liver enzymes in dogs. They are:
CBD oil
One of the best ways in which you can help your dog’s symptoms and cure the liver is by using CBD oil. Just like with humans, this all-natural product from cannabis can help a canine feel more relaxed and less anxiety-ridden as they would with painkillers or without medication.
Changes in diet
The second natural fix to elevated liver enzyme levels is a change in diet. If your dog is currently not eating well and exercising, changing its routine and using organic food can help contribute to a healthier lifestyle.
The final way in which you can help your pup recover from elevated enzyme levels is by including supplements in their diet that can raise the levels back to normal.
How to treat elevated liver enzymes in dogs?
Treatment varies according to the condition and causes of the elevation of enzymes in the dog. If the condition is mild and no symptoms are shown then its blood report is monitored for a while before giving any medication.
In case of emergency cases, the dog is hospitalized and necessary medication and treatment are started as soon as possible.
If you find that your beloved best friend has elevated liver enzymes, you need to find out how to cure this issue without making the symptoms any worse.
You need to see a vet if the condition of your dog worsens. If you found out about your dog suffering from elevated liver enzymes then go to the doctor immediately.
Does elevated liver enzymes in dogs mean cancer?
There are various causes of elevated liver enzymes so we cannot pinpoint and say that the elevated liver enzymes are cancer. But we must look out for it as tumors can increase the enzymes.
What do elevated liver enzymes mean in dogs?
The elevated liver enzymes in dogs mean that his liver cells have been damaged due to various reasons like Tumors, ingestion of toxins, aging, and many more.