3 Great Low-Impact Sports to Keep You Active and Injury-Free

Whether you’re new to exercise, or haven’t participated in a sport since you were at school, it can be hard to know which sports to try for the first time. As we age, our bodies become less supple, and many of us tend to also pile on the pounds – this means we need to be careful when choosing a sport, rather than jumping in headfirst. Low impact sports are ideal for this as they enable you to have fun without risking injury. Here are three great low-impact sports that are definitely worth trying.
Golf is a great sport to get started with as you can head out onto the course on your own, or with a group of friends. And, as a new player, finding others that are at the same skill level as you should be relatively simple. In addition, there is a variety, of course, of types to choose from. New players might want to try a par 3 or 9 courses before jumping into a par 18, but there’s nothing stopping you from doing the latter. Even if you can’t walk the course due to your current fitness levels, don’t worry. You can hire – or even buy – a golf cart to make it easier to get around.
Just like most sports, practice is key to improving your skill levels. Many golfers will, in addition to playing games, head on down to the local driving range. This can be a great place to release some stress, while also practicing your swing.
Swimming is a sport that is often highly recommended for those with disabilities, as well as those struggling with their mobility due to their weight, conditions like arthritis, or pregnancy – as three examples. Most towns have public swimming pools where you can either book lessons or attend during a free-for-all session; this makes swimming ideal for those who want to get active with their families, as well as those who want to train at a more advanced level.
In addition to keeping you active, swimming can also help to build cardiovascular fitness and endurance, aid with weight loss, and gain muscle. There’s little chance of injury in this sport either, with most new to the sport experiencing just a small amount of tenderness in their shoulders following the first few sessions.
Cycling is another sport that doesn’t involve any heavy impact on the joints. Like swimming, it’s another cardiovascular activity that can help to improve the health of the heart and lungs, while also aiding with things like weight loss and fitness. In order to get the most out of cycling, the experts recommend aiming to do around 150 minutes a week. This doesn’t all have to be done in the traditional way on the roads, either. You could join a gym and attend their spin and cycle lessons, or you could head out into the backcountry and check out the trails on a mountain bike. Lots of areas also have cycling clubs which offer a great way to meet new people with similar goals.
Also, like the two other sports above, cycling can be a fun way to get fit with your family. It’s a sport that’s suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.
Low impact sports can offer all the same benefits as strenuous activity without placing unnecessary stress on your joints. It’s important to remember, though, that you will only get out of them what you put in. So, if you want to make a difference in your life, it’s worth pushing yourself to achieve success.