In-store vs. Online Medical Supplies: Which Is More Cost-effective?

If the healthcare sector is anything to go by, buying medical supplies can be pretty expensive. Even if you have insurance, you still need to be vigilant about saving where you can and not spending unnecessarily.
Healthcare prices in the U.S. are notoriously higher than in other countries, and that includes the prices of medical supplies. It’s a sad fact for many people who require these products to live normal daily lives.
That said, if you’re trying to save money on medical supplies, it’s important to consider your options. Should you buy online or in-store? Are there any advantages or disadvantages to either option?
Well, in truth, buying online is more cost-effective.
While prices for medical supplies vary widely, depending on what you’re buying, where you’re buying it, and the manufacturer, there are a few reasons why online medical stores like Harmony Lab & Safety Supplies, tend to be more cost-effective than brick-and-mortar retailers.
Let’s break them down.
Much Cheaper Prices
When you purchase medical supplies at your local pharmacy, you are paying the retail price for these products. This is a much higher price than what you would pay if you were to purchase your medical supplies from an online supplier. Online retailers have the ability to buy their products in bulk and pass on savings to consumers.
Fewer Expenses Involved
Online stores are also able to sell their products at affordable prices because they work directly with the manufacturer of the equipment and don’t have to worry about salespeople or middlemen taking a cut of the profits. This allows them to sell at a lower price point.
Online retailers do not have the overhead costs that traditional stores do so they can pass these savings on to their customers by offering lower prices which will help increase profits over time if done properly (especially when combined with free shipping).
A Lot More Convenient
By shopping online, you can avoid the hassle of having to drive to a brick-and-mortar store. You can order medical supplies from the comfort of your own home or office and have them delivered directly to your door. This allows you to focus on other tasks such as managing your business or running errands.
No Crowds
If you are someone who hates crowds or has trouble dealing with people, online shopping will be the best option for you. There is no need to deal with long lines and impatient shoppers when you are shopping online. Online shopping will also allow you to spend more time with your family which is great for those with busy schedules.
Easier Comparison Shopping
It can be hard to compare prices in a brick and mortar store because there are lots of different brands and models with varying features available for the same type of product. When shopping online, however, you can easily compare prices by visiting several sites and getting information about each item before making a decision.
Additionally, most stores offer free shipping and delivery when you buy certain items in bulk.
You Can Find Deals and Discounts
Since there are dozens of online retailers that sell medical supplies and equipment, each one wants to get an edge over the competition. Therefore, most of them offer significant discounts or special deals in hopes of getting you to purchase from them instead of their competitor.
You can often find coupon codes for items like compression stockings or a wide variety of diabetic supplies.
The Savings are Greater Than What You Pay in Shipping
If you’re worried about paying for shipping, don’t be. Most online medical supply stores offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount, which shouldn’t be hard to reach if you’re doing monthly shopping for yourself or a family member.
Besides, you’ll probably save more money than what it costs in shipping. Even if your order doesn’t qualify for free shipping, you’ll still come out ahead financially compared to buying locally.
There’s No Risk of Overspending
When you’re in a store, it’s very easy to get distracted by items that aren’t on your shopping list — especially when those items are on sale.
Since no one wants to pay more than they have to for medical supplies, it’s natural for shoppers to gravitate toward the “bargain” tables and racks, even if they don’t really need anything from there.
Online shopping removes this temptation altogether since you can focus solely on the items on your list and not worry about any distractions.
Medical Supplies You Can Get Online from Stores Like Harmony Lab & Safety Supplies
Medical supplies are available on the internet to make it easy for you as a customer to get exactly what you need, when you need it.
You can browse through online catalogs, websites such as Harmony Lab & Safety Supplies, and even auctions. Medical supplies can be purchased by individuals or businesses. They can also be bought in bulk by hospitals and doctor’s offices that need them for their patients.
These suppliers are usually available 24 hours a day, seven days a week so that they will not miss any orders that come in during the night or early morning hours.
Here is a list of online medical supply stores you can expect to find online:
Incontinence Products and Supplies
Incontinence is a condition that affects thousands of people. One of its main causes is aging, and therefore it is more commonly experienced by older individuals.
Incontinence products can help you stay active and independent while living with incontinence. There are a range of choices depending on your needs and lifestyle.
Whether you’re looking for adult diapers, catheters, urinary drainage bags, underpads, bedding protectors or personal hygiene products, you can find them at an online medical supply store.
Mobility Aids
Patients with physical disabilities may need special equipment to move around at home. Mobility aids include walkers, rollators, canes and crutches.
Walkers are designed for patients who do not need much support and have the strength to propel themselves forward. Rollators have wheels and brakes for those who need more support than a walker can provide.
Cane users, on the other hand, must be able to put some weight on the injured limb, while crutches should be used only by those who cannot bear any weight at all on the affected limb.
All of these mobility aids are available from online medical suppliers that offer a wide selection of different colors and styles.
Bath Safety Products
Online medical suppliers stock bath safety products that help you overcome the challenges of limited mobility, making it easier to enjoy a long soak while minimizing the risk of injury.
These can include bath chairs and benches that allow you to sit down while taking a shower or tub. Or, it could mean grab bars and handrails that can help you get in and out of the tub safely.
They also sell more specialized devices that help make bathing easier. For example, a bathtub transfer bench that allows you to sit on a bench outside the tub, then slide across into the water. That makes it much safer to enter and exit than struggling over the edge of the tub itself.
For those who cannot stand at all, devices like bath lifts provide an affordable way to get in and out of the tub with ease.
Diabetic Care Products and Supplies
For those living with diabetes, there are many products that can assist in managing your blood sugar levels. These include blood glucose test strips and meters to monitor your blood sugar levels, as well as lancets, insulin syringes and pen needles for administering insulin.
There are also other accessories such as control solution, alcohol prep pads and sharps containers to help keep everything running smoothly.
Wound Care Products
Wound care products and supplies should be in every first aid kit. These are the items you will reach for when a child falls down and scrapes their knee, or cuts their finger, or when mom gets a paper cut. Any time there is bleeding involved, stop the bleeding whether it is a big gash or a tiny paper cut with these wound care products.
Ostomy Care Products and Supplies
Ostomy care products are used to help people who have had a colostomy, ileostomy, or urostomy to manage their stoma and ostomy bag and live more comfortably. Online medical suppliers provide colostomy bags and pouches, ostomy belts and other accessories to help ostomy patients live a more comfortable life.
CPAP Machines and Accessories
CPAP is a medical machine that stands for continuous positive airway pressure. This is the most common treatment for sleep apnea and consists of a machine that delivers pressurized air to your airways to keep them from collapsing when you breathe in. There are different types of machines, masks, and settings depending on your condition.
Winding It Up
Whether you’re buying medical supplies for your home or your healthcare facility, you will most certainly be surprised by the cost difference between in-store and online purchases. Once you have decided what you want and how much you are going to spend, you can place your order and wait for your new medical supplies to arrive at your door.