Top 5 Important Blood Tests for People Above 30

We have always heard that prevention is better than cure. But how many of us actually pay heed to that advice? Health checkups and tests are one of the best preventive measures necessary for ensuring a person’s proper functioning. Diagnostic tests are not simply performed if you have a health problem. Regardless of whether you are physically well, medical testing can give you a sense of security.
With an increase in age, health issues tend to arise, which directly leads to the need for more diagnostic health tests. As one hits their thirties, signs of aging begin to appear, as do various health problems. This article discusses five effective blood tests for people over 30 that will easily detect various ailments.
CBC Test
A complete blood count (CBC) test is one of the most widely used blood tests to detect a variety of diseases such as leukemia, anemia, and other types of infections in the body. It aids in measuring things such as:
- Blood platelets are involved in blood clotting.
- Hemoglobin
- White blood cells and red blood cells
- Other blood components
If you’re going to test for only CBC, there’s no need to fast before it. However, if there are other tests scheduled, you must consult your doctor for instructions.
Any unnatural rise or fall in these components means further evaluation would be needed. Usually, a slight deviation from the normal range is not a reason for concern.
HbA1c Test
An HbA1c test is conducted to estimate the amount of glucose or blood sugar associated with hemoglobin. The average amount of glucose associated with the past three months is derived because red blood cells live for at least three months.
High HbA1c levels indicate diabetes. The test helps in checking for diabetes as well as prediabetes (a state which indicates the future possibility of diabetes). In your thirties, you must get tested for diabetes from time to time. In the case of prediabetes, you should check in every couple of years, while in the case of normal results, checking once every three years is fine.
Lipid Panel Test
A lipid panel test helps to detect cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your blood. High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are very bad indicators, indicating a high risk of cardiovascular diseases. Usually, you’re required to fast for a minimum of 10–12 hours before the test. Having abnormal results often means that you’ll need to monitor your cholesterol levels and stay on a cholesterol-restricted diet.
Glomerular Filtration Rate Test
A glomerular filtration rate (GFR) test is a blood test that determines how effectively your kidneys perform. The glomeruli in your kidneys are microscopic filters. These filters aid in the removal of waste and extra substances from the blood. A GFR test calculates the amount of blood that flows through all these screens each minute. You might be required to fast or avoid some particular food items before the test.
Troponin Test
A troponin test can detect the presence of troponin proteins in the blood, which is released if heart muscles are damaged. Since such damage occurs during a heart attack, this test helps in finding out if a heart attack has occurred or if there is a high risk of it.
Blood testing can provide an accurate picture of your general health. They’re also a fantastic way to detect illness or disease quickly, as well as monitor it. See how your body reacts to various therapies. Many people get regular blood tests a minimum of once a year. Consult your doctor to see if any more tests are required to guarantee your best health.