First Trimester Pregnancy

Guide to first trimester pregnancy
Congratulations! You would be overwhelmed with emotions of excitement and joy, and of course, grappling with the morning sickness and nausea. Pregnancy is like a roller coaster ride of emotions and significant changes. Bringing a baby into the world is no small feat, and you need to get yourself prepared for what lies ahead. Do you have any idea about the first trimester pregnancy?
The first trimester pregnancy is the beginning of your journey towards motherhood. You need to actively start taking care of yourself by improving your diet, working out, and maintaining a healthy body. The physical and mental demands of pregnancy can be overwhelming. However, this to-do list will help you understand the basics. Here, take a look:
Booking your Appointments
Once you find out you are pregnant, it’s time to choose your doctor and book your regular sessions. It would help if you chose a nearby doctor to reach the professional whenever needed. It is ideal to book your first antenatal appointment when you’re eight to twelve weeks pregnant.
It is essential to share your medical and family history, along with that of your partner. Your doctor must get apprised of all medical ailments and other vital details. Once you’ve had the first appointment, your doctor will share a schedule of meetings throughout your pregnancy. Be sure to set reminders, so you and your partner are always prepared for the appointments.
Start Taking Supplements
Consult your doctor for supplements and vitamins. Doctors typically prescribe folic acid supplements and multivitamins. You can have elevit multivitamins to build up energies and fortify the body against infections. Daily folic acid supplements are instrumental in shielding the bay against brain and spinal cord complications, primarily spina bifida.
The exact supplements required by your body tend to differ based on the diet and unique nutrition requirements of each mother. However, vitamin B and D are essential as part of a wholesome daily diet. Young mothers-to-be should take multivitamins and maintain a healthy, nutritious diet rich in minerals and vitamins.
Take first trimester pregnancy Medications with Care
Now that you are pregnant, you need to be very careful about taking first trimester pregnancy medicines and drugs. If you are habitual of taking off-the-counter medications for cold and cough-related symptoms, it is crucial to quit this habit.
Be sure to consult your doctor or a general practitioner before taking any medicines. Discuss all other medications you might be taking with your doctor and gain advice on over-the-medicines if you fall sick.
Time to Quit Smoking
Research reveals that smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, premature labor, and ectopic pregnancy. More alarmingly, the smoke you inhale can impact your unborn baby’s growth and lead to low birth weight.
If you’ve been smoking in the early days of your pregnancy, it’s not too late to quit. Consult your doctor or general practitioner to help you reverse the adverse effects. If you need help quitting smoking, don’t be afraid to reach out to relevant professionals. There are various advice lines and groups that can help you quit smoking while maintaining discretion.
If you plan to switch to e-cigarettes throughout your pregnancy, keep in mind that those are harmful. You see, any product that contains nicotine and toxins is detrimental to the health and growth of your unborn baby. Be sure to consult your doctor for alternatives and remedies to quit smoking.
Eliminate Alcohol
Much like smoking, alcohol is alarmingly dangerous for your unborn baby. Be sure to cut out alcohol from your diet throughout your pregnancy, not only during the first trimester pregnancy and afterwards, if you plan on breastfeeding.
Reduce Caffeine Consumption
Consuming excessive amounts of caffeine, which is more than 200mg a day, can increase miscarriage risk. Keep in mind that caffeine not only comes from coffee but other items, for instance, green tea, black tea, chocolate, energy drinks, and even cola.
Maintaining a Nutritious Diet
In the first trimester pregnancy, you need to focus on planning a wholesome and nutritious diet that is healthy for you and the baby. It is crucial to understand the food items that are good for you and those that are harmful. A healthy and wholesome diet will deliver the nutrients you need to stay strong and develop a healthy baby.
Contrary to what most women think, the hunger pangs and additional calorie needs don’t begin in the first or second trimester. However, you will have to cut out certain food items that contain toxins, parasites, or bacteria. These include unpasteurized dairy items, cheeses, liver meat, raw shellfish, uncooked and raw meat.
Many young mothers to struggle against awful morning sickness and nausea during the first trimester pregnancy. You can curb nausea by taking small meals with short intervals. It is best to reach out for food items that comfort the stomach and do not create sickness feelings. For instance, oatmeal, biscuits, breadsticks, and Quakers are an excellent choice to drive down nausea.
The sickness typically lasts for the first 16 or 20 weeks. If you find yourself vomiting throughout the day and unable to digest anything, consult your doctor immediately. You might be suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, a case of severe morning sickness that requires treatment.
If you experience mild cramps or cramps with bleeding, consult your doctor or a general practitioner immediately.
It is usual for young mothers-to-be to feel exhausted and tired during the first trimester pregnancy. Focus on getting as much as you can and creating an ambient and relaxing environment. A healthy diet, restful routine, and exercise will help you stay healthy and grow a healthy baby inside you. Avoid stressing or being in stressful situations.
Take your pregnancy as an opportunity to catch up on your sleep and rest your body and mind. Be sure to take it easy and avoid working too hard as it would expose your body to stress hormones. Make a balanced routine that involves eating healthy, working out, and getting to bed at a reasonable time each night. Indulge in your hobbies and passions, such as reading, painting, or even gardening.
Remember, if you’re happy, well-rested and healthy, your unborn baby will also experience the same emotions and feelings.
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