Stroke Volume Equation and Calculator

The stroke volume equation and the calculator will assist individuals in finding out how much blood their heart pumps in per pulse. This number is frequently used in anesthesiology to assess post-anesthesia recovery.

Calculating an individual’s stroke volume is a method or test for determining how healthy their heart is. The amount of blood pumped out each beating determines whether or not an individual’s heart is healthy and operating properly.

The end-diastolic volume (EDV) and the end-systolic volume (ESV) are the two parameters that define stroke volume (ESV). The method of calculating stroke volume is Stroke Volume = End Diastolic Volume – End Systolic Volume.

Check out the stroke volume calculations and stroke volume equation given below if you want to compute the stroke volume yourself.

Stroke Volume Calculator: What is the definition of stroke volume?

The quantity of blood released by your heart in each beat is referred to as stroke volume. When a ventricle relaxes, blood from the heart is pushed via the aortas and out to the entire body.

The stroke volume equation is used to compute ejection fraction, which is stroke volume divided by end-diastolic volume and is a key predictor of cardiac output, which is the outcome of stroke volume and pulse rate. To check, use the stroke volume calculator. Stroke volume corresponds with heart function since it diminishes in certain situations and underlying diseases.

Stroke Volume Calculator: Stroke Volume Calculation Method

If you recall the meaning of cardiac output, it is the amount of blood pumped by the heart in a minute. This figure can easily be converted to stroke volume. Simply divide this figure by the heart rate in beats every 60 seconds. Stroke Volume equals Cardiac Output divided by Heart Rate. The average stroke volume for each beat is around 60 and 120 milliliters.

Your heartbeat pulse will change based on how active you are. Your stroke volume will also rise in this manner. Your stroke volume can reach 120 milliliters with regular workouts; if you are a sportsman, you can get values as high as 200 milliliters.

What is the formula for calculating the stroke volume index?

This stroke volume calculator can also be used to calculate the stroke volume index, which is balanced by body surface area (BSA). This allows you to match your results to those of people with varying body types.

Use the below equation to determine the stroke volume index:

Stroke Volume Index = Stroke Volume / BSA

You can also utilize the cardiac index, which is calculated by dividing the cardiac output by BSA. Then apply the following formula:

Stroke Volume Index = Cardiac Index/Heart Rate.

How can you figure out how much stroke volume is?

Calculate your heart rate first.

The heart rate must be expressed in BPM (beats per minute).

Then, figure out how much blood is being pumped through your body.

Normally, this is expressed in liters per minute.

Finally, determine the size of your stroke.

Determine the stroke volume based on cardiac output and pulse rate.

The stroke volume calculator can be used to quickly compute the stroke volume.

Stroke Volume Calculator: Stroke Volume Measurements Procedures

Stroke volume is a velocity-time indicator of cardiac output that can be assessed or assumed using a range of equations with multiple parameters. It demonstrates the pressure activity of the heart muscle and can be achieved via meddling and non-meddling evaluation velocity-time indicators of cardiac output.

The first tab takes advantage of a technique known as hemodynamic checking:

Stroke Volume = Cardiac Output In Ml/Min / Heart Rate In BPM

The Fick principle is followed by cardiac output:

CO = VO2 /TE  (CA-CV)

The Doppler Velocity-Time Integral technique is used in the second tab

Stroke volume = π x (LVOT/2)2 x LVOT VTI x 0.01


LVOT is the Left Ventricle Outflow Tract with unit measurement in millimeter;
LVOT VTI = LVOT Subvalvular Velocity-Time Integral with unit measurement in centimeters.

While the Velocity-Time Integral is identified on the ultrasound system, the pulsing wave of the Left Ventricle Outflow Tract is documented using Doppler in an apical long-axis or Five chamber perspective. The size of the Left Ventricle Outflow Tract fluctuates relatively little during heart contraction and can be presumed to be stable and circular.

Consequently, in instances of irregular heart rhythm or atrial fibrillation, the previous result may not be reliable.


According to recent discoveries, the stroke volume reaction to workout may be impacted by a variety of parameters such as health status, gender, age, and heredity. People with a large blood volume may be more likely to have an evolving rise in stroke volume while engaging in high-intensity workouts. The gradual rise in stroke volume associated with intense exercise has some fitness and medical effects.

Increased stroke volume is far more effective than increased heartbeat frequency in regards to myocardial oxygen requirement during workouts. Increased stroke volume for a particular heartbeat rate can boost work production and efficiency in sports.

When treating very unwell hypovolemic individuals, intensive care specialists use a variety of parameters. Stroke volume has become more famous as a hemodynamic statistic in analyzing cardiac pump efficiency and organ perfusion than other regularly used metrics because it is less influenced by compensatory mechanisms. Stroke volume is also used by medical experts to diagnose cardiac instability in people with acute heart disease.

The study aimed to look at the type and amount of maximal aerobic exercise required to permit a gradual rise in stroke volume during heavy exercise, as well as whether age, sex, type of training, and practice level affect the versatility of the stroke volume response to exercise.

FAQs about Stroke Volume Equation and Calculator

Is it beneficial to have a large stroke volume?

Increased stroke volume is far more effective than increased heart rate in consideration of myocardial oxygen requirement during aerobic activity. Increased stroke volume for a particular heart rate can boost work production and effectiveness in sports.

Does a larger stroke volume raise blood pressure?

Increased arterial-venous blood circulation to the left ventricle boosts left ventricular preload and stroke volume. Increased cardiac output and arterial blood pressure follow a rise in stroke volume.

Best way to evaluate stroke volume?

The amount of blood discharged from the ventricle during each cardiac cycle is referred to as stroke volume. By deducting the end-systolic volume from the end-diastolic volume, it may be easily estimated. The cardiac output is calculated by multiplication of the stroke volume by the heart rate, which is usually expressed in liters per minute. You can use the stroke volume calculator to make calculations easier.

How are Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output calculated?

Cardiac output is the word used to describe how much blood every ventricle pumps every moment. The frequency of heartbeats per minute is multiplied by the volume of blood circulated by the ventricles with each heartbeat to calculate cardiac output. As a result, we can apply this formula.
CO = HR x SV
CO means the Cardiac Output
HR means the Heartbeat Rate and
SV means the Stroke Volume

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