Lung Capacity Calculator

On the basis of pulmonary capacities, the lung capacity calculator determines critical, breathing rate, and operational residual capacity.

The Lung Capacity calculator or LC calculator can help you determine the size of your respiratory system or the lungs of your patient.

All respiratory capabilities, such as vital capacity, inspiratory capacity, functional residual capacity, and total lung capacity, are calculated using the lung capacity calculator. Depending on pulmonary function measurements of the inspiratory, tidal, expiratory reserve, and residual volume.

Lung Capacity Calculator: LC Overview

The flow rate of pulmonary circulation at the full intensity of entry is referred to as lung capacity or total lung capacity. The average lung capacity of healthy persons is around Six liters and it can be calculated through Lung Capacity Calculator

The total lung capacity must be determined to diagnose a restrictive ventilatory defect or aberrant lung distensibility, which can emerge in sick people with emphysema.

Lung Capacity Calculator: How To Measure your LC

Spirometry is a clinical technique that assesses lung capacity in several ways. Spirometry outcomes are usually used to identify COPD or asthma, but they can also be done to check if your respiration has gotten better after therapy for quite a lung condition. The following procedure is used to evaluate the four lung capacities:

1. Inspiratory Capacity

After being in a resting state, it is the greatest volume of air that can be absorbed. The summation of inspiratory reserve volume and tidal volume is used to get this value.

 IC = IRV + TV

IC represents Inspiratory capacity
IRV represents Inspiratory Reserve Volume
TV represents Tidal Volume

2. Total Lung Capacity

It’s the total capacity of oxygen that the lungs can hold, the aggregate of all volume compartments, or the amount of air in the lungs following maximum inhalation. 6,000mL is a typical number (4 to 6 Liters). Total Lung Capacity is estimated by adding together the 4 main tidal volumes (TV, IRV, ERV, RV).


TLC represents Total lung capacity
IRV represents an Inspiratory reserve volume
TV represents Tidal volume
ERV represents Expiratory reserve volume
RV represents Residual volume

Sick people with obstructive problems like emphysema may have a higher total lung capacity, while those with restrictive problems such as chest wall abnormalities and kyphoscoliosis may have a lower total lung capacity.

The total lung capacity is the concentration of oxygen in the lungs after a complete inhalation. TLC = RV + IVC or TLC = FRC + IC are the two methods for calculating it; the first is the recommended way in body plethysmography. The radiologic approach can also be used to measure it directly. It is necessary to specify the measurement method (gas dilution, body plethysmography, or radiology).

3. Vital Capacity

After maximum breathing, this is the exact quantity of oxygen ousted. The quantity varies depending on age and body mass, but it is around 4800mL. Tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory reserve volume are added together to estimate it.

Vital capacity = Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) + Tidal volume (TV) + Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)

The tendency to breathe profoundly and cough, which reflects inspiratory and expiratory muscular strength, is referred to as vital capacity. For successful coughing, vital capacity should be three times that of television. In obstructive illnesses, vital capacity is sometimes diminished, while in restrictive disorders, it is always lowered.

4. Function Residual Capacity

It refers to the portion of oxygen left in the respiratory tract after a regular exhale. It’s estimated by summing the volumes of residual and expiratory reserves. The usual range is between 1800 and 2200 milliliters.

Functional residual capacity (FRC) = Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) + Residual volume (RV)

The resting state is highlighted when the inner and outer elastic draws back are regulated, and Function Residual Capacity does not depend on exertion. In restricted diseases, function residual capacity is diminished. The ratio of Function Residual Volume over Total Lung Capacity is used to determine whether or not someone is hyperinflated. Residual Capacity in Cup to Function is up to 80 percent of Total Lung Capacity.

How Do You Work Out Your Total Lung Capacity?

The entire volume of oxygen in one’s lungs is illustrated as total lung capacity. It’s easy to figure out by combining all of the recorded lung capacities:


Adults should drink between 5 and 7 liters each day. Sex, age, height, weight, and heritage are factors to consider.

Lung Capacity Calculator: Factors Affecting LC Outcomes

The largest volume of air inhaled can be expressed as lung capacity. Lung capacity is influenced by biological and pathological causes.

Age is the most important biological element, followed by nutrition and weight. A diet heavy in vitamins, particularly E and C, can aid sustain respiratory function, whereas a diet high in fats will have an adverse effect. Obese and inactive individuals have lower lung capacity.

Due to the huge diaphragm’s pressure on the lungs, lung capacity is also decreased while pregnant. This is when functional residual capacity reduces by over 20 percent for a short period.

The tidal volume, on the other hand, rises to meet the ventilation demand. The lung capacity of skilled athletes will be higher.

As a result, restrictive lung illnesses such as pulmonary fibrosis or pneumothorax reduce lung volume.

In obstructive lung illnesses including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pathological rises in pulmonary function are seen.


The volume of gas in the lung and intrathoracic air passage is influenced by the properties of the lung basement membrane and supporting cells and tissues, exterior energy, the pressure imposed by breathing, lung contractions, and lung traits.

Other than in the occurrence of pneumothorax, the oxygen levels of the thorax and pulmonary are the same.

The total of the essential capacities of two or more parts of the total lung capacity is referred to as a lung capacity. The lung capacity calculator can assist you in determining the respiratory volumes of your or a patient’s lungs.


What is the average lung capacity?

The amount of air in the lungs at the greatest exertion of inhalation is called lung capacity or total lung capacity (TLC). The average lung capacity of healthy humans is approximately 6 liters.

What constitutes a satisfactory lung function test?

The standard limit of observations is between 80% and 120% of the predicted value. If your lung volume values are abnormally high or low, you may have an obstructive or restrictive lung ailment.

Is it possible to expand lung capacity?

Physical activity that includes heavy or deep breathing can result in a little increase in lung capacity. Taking a really deep breath and holding it for a few seconds can boost your total lung capacity if portions of your lung have become constricted all through periods of rest.

What is the finest lung-building exercise?

Hiking, jogging, or jumping rope provide the type of physical activity that your heart and lungs require to perform properly. Weight-lifting and Pilates are examples of muscle-strengthening activities that strengthen your core, enhance your balance, and train your respiratory system.

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