Heart Score Calculator

The heart score calculator assesses the patients according to their clinical condition. In addition, the heart score calculator provides an efficient scoring system for patients suffering from crushing chest pain at the emergency department. Moreover, the heart score calculator illustrates the heart condition quantitatively with different scores. There is a quantitative scale ranging from 0-10 to describe the patient’s health condition.

The heart score calculator assigns a different score by evaluating the patient’s history and age, ECG variations, troponin assessment, and risk factors. In this way, the heart score value depends on all these factors to determine the patient’s condition. In addition, the heart score calculator also helps to classify the patients into three main categories. These main categories are as follows:

Low risk patients

These are the patients with a heart score of 0-3. According to the heart score calculator, these patients are at low risk and exhibit only a 1.6% chance of suffering from any cardiac event.

Medium risk patients

These patients have a heart score ranging from 4-6. According to the heart score calculator, these patients are at mild risk of suffering from any cardiac event. The chances of exhibiting any cardiac event are 1.3%.

High-risk patients

These patients are on high alert to suffering from any emergency cardiac disorder. Their heart score is more than 7. These patients have a 50% chance of experiencing myocardial infarction or any severe heart disease. Moreover, If the condition remains untreated, it may cause death within the six weeks exhibiting the cardiac problems.

What are the objectives of the heart score calculator?

A heart score calculator is a beneficial tool to prevent you from various major heart diseases. It will provide you with an immediate heart score according to your health condition. There are several other objectives of heart score calculator that are as follows:

  • To make an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan for the patients suffering from chest pain with an unknown cause
  • Differentiates between the patients at low, medium, or high risk
  • It suggests the physician regarding emergency interventions for high-risk patients.
  • A heart score calculator offers a great, valuable score according to your heart’s vitality. It suggests you maintain a healthy diet to balance the heart score at the minimum level.

What are the major diseases associated with high heart scores?

If a heart score calculator provides a greater value result, there is a need to worry about your health condition. A high heart score is an indication of several major adverse cardiac events. These major cardiac events increase the mortality rate. These cardiac events are as follows:

  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Percutaneous coronary artery intervention
  • Coronary artery bypass graft
  • Death within the six week

There are also some risk factors that enhance the chances for a patient to suffer from all these conditions. These risk factors can induce a negative impact on the patient’s health by increasing heart score. Some of the risk factors are as follows:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • More age (more than 65), more chances of experiencing a cardiac event
  • Coronary artery stenosis
  • Dyslipidemias – the abnormal levels of lipids in the bloodstream
  • Diabetes mellitus

How can I reduce the risk of major adverse cardiac events?

These major adverse cardiac events are the main cause of death in populations. There are several ways to prevent these cardiac diseases by making yourself healthy.

  • If you are obese, there is a need to lose weight to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Obesity is the cause of several diseases. In addition, obesity can also increase your heart score by causing various diseases.
  • If you are diabetic, there is a need for a strong check and balance on your sugar levels. Control your sugar level in an optimum range to prevent any cardiac disease.
  • If you are hypertensive, control your blood pressure levels to a normal limit. These are the risk factors to increase heart score levels.
  • Take a balanced diet with sufficient nutritious contents.
  • Maintain a regular exercise of 75 – 150 minutes per week.
  • Keep your body mass index in a normal range.
  • Stop smoking or tobacco products to reduce the risk of cardiac diseases.

What are the determinants of a heart score calculator?

The heart score calculator depends on various factors to assess the heart score efficiently. Therefore, there are several important determinants of the heart score calculator to understand the heart status in a better way. These are the determinants of the heart score calculator.

  • Patient health history – a detailed history of the patient related to all systemic issues is mandatory to evaluate heart score accurately.
  • ECG abnormalities – ECG is an important tool to diagnose various heart diseases. There are different points on the ECG chart that identify several disorders related to the heart. Any variation from normal will describe the heart score more than the normal.
  • Age – age is an important factor that will help to identify the heart score. As the age increases, the chances of experiencing cardiac events also increase. More than sixty-five years of age suggests a higher heart score.
  • Risk factors – there are several risk factors that increase the heart score towards high-risk patients. If there are more risk factors, there is a greater heart score.
  • Troponin measurement – Troponin value increases in several cardiac diseases. Increased value of troponin will also suggest a higher heart score, leading towards high-risk patients.

There is an appropriate heart scoring system for a better understanding of the heart score calculator.

History:The specific history of coronary artery syndrome and typical features – 2 pointsMixed features – 1 point Non-specific history of acute coronary syndrome – 0 points
ECG:Abnormal ECG with significant ST depression – 2 points Abnormal ECG with nonspecific repolarization abnormality – 1 point-Normal ECG – 0 points
Age:65 years or greater than 65 years of age – 2 points 45-65 years of age -1 point45 or younger than 45 years of age – 0 point
Initial troponin levels:3 or more than 3 times of normal limit – 2 points1-3 times more than normal – 1 point-Normal value – 0 points
Risk factors: HypercholesterolemiaDiabetes mellitusTobacco smokingHypertensionObesity Family history of coronary artery disease  Greater than 3 risk factors – 2 points Greater than 1 but lesser than 3 – 1 point. No risk factor – 0 points

Score 0-3: 1.6% chances of suffering from cardiac events – discharge the patient to home

Score 4-6: 1.3% chances of occurring any cardiac problem – further testing and admit to observing the patient clinically

Score 7-10: 50% chance of suffering from major adverse cardiac events – early invasive management

Use of heart score calculator in clinical practice

Let us take an example of a patient to understand the use of a heart score calculator in a better way. Here is an example.

A 68 years old male presented to the emergency department with typical symptoms of acute coronary disease. There are also mild but abnormal variations in the ECG pattern. Moreover, troponin levels are three times higher than the normal value. In addition, he also has a history of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Calculate the heart score for this patient.

Let us arrange the data in a pattern.

Age: 68 (2 points)
ECG: abnormal but mild variations (1 point)
History: typical acute Coronary disease symptoms (2 points)
Troponin level: 3 times higher than normal (2 points)
Risk factors: Diabetes mellitus and hypertension (1 point)

Calculate all these points to know about the heart score

Heart score = 8

This range determines the patient lies in the high-risk patients and requires early management to prevent any cardiac event.


The heart score calculator is a cardiac health status calculator. It calculates heart scores depending on several conditions. A high heart score indicates an increased risk of major adverse cardiac events. Patients with high scores require an early management protocol. A low heart score indicates little or no chance of suffering from any cardiac event.

Major adverse cardiac events include myocardial infarction, percutaneous coronary intervention, and coronary artery bypass graft. These diseases may increase the mortality rate If not treated properly. In addition, the heart score calculator helps to classify the patients into low, medium, and high-risk patients. In this way, it helps to start treatment procedures for the patients at high risk.

Therefore, the heart score calculator is an important tool to diagnose patients suffering from chest pain.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

When there is a need to use a heart score calculator?

A heart score calculator is an important clinical tool to diagnose patients with chest pain clinically. It provides a risk assessment for the patient. It is an additional tool to strengthen your clinical skills in a better way.

How does age increase the heart score?

Aging can cause a lot of changes in the heart structure and blood vessels. As you get older, blood vessels lose their elasticity. In addition, your heart cannot beat as fast as when you were younger. Moreover, in older age, there is also a greater chance to suffer from different cardiovascular diseases. These changes increase the heart score.

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