Framingham Risk Calculator

The Framingham risk score is a gender-based calculation used for the evaluation of 10-year cardiovascular risk for an individual. It was first developed following the data produced from the Framingham Heart study to assess the 10-year risk of developing coronary artery disease. The Framingham risk calculator defines the cardiac risk group based on the associated risk factors. This calculator evaluates the 10-year risk for cardiac problems in comparison to the general population.

This article covers the history of Framingham’s risk score, calculator, and other risk factors to induce cardiac problems. Despite being accurate and precise, the Framingham risk calculator can not replace the clinical examination. This calculator-based scoring system provides an estimation of the chances that a person may develop cardiovascular problems within a specified time period. Let us have a look at the clinical details of the Framingham risk calculator to clarify the basic concepts regarding its use.

Framingham risk score study

The Framingham risk score study started in 1948 with a patient count of about 5209. These patients were from the same neighborhood, a town named Framingham, which is located in Massachusetts, United States. In the start, no patient suffered from any major cardiovascular disease like stroke or heart attack. Different physicians and scientists controlled the entire population for almost 72 years to conclude the study. They recorded and analyzed every single case of cardiovascular disease. In addition, they also compared the patient’s lifestyle and multiple blood test findings.

This long study provided clear details about the risk factors associated with cardiac problems. In this way, they created a 10-year Framingham risk score assessment. Every cardiac risk calculator, concerning cholesterol, physical activity, or blood pressure, is mainly because of the efforts of Framingham. He played a key role in the development of modern science.

How can we use the Framingham risk calculator?

This 10-year Framingham risk calculator is mainly for the age group of 30 to 79 years, with no previous heart attack, claudication, coronary artery syndrome, or any other cardiovascular history. These are the main steps to follow for accurate results of the Framingham risk calculator.

  • Put your age in years as cardiovascular disease risk increases as age increases.
  • Select your gender category. Cardiovascular disease risk is more significant among the men group.
  • Enter your normal systolic blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure value is more than the normal diastolic blood pressure. The standard value for systolic/diastolic = 120/80. High blood pressure is associated with a variety of cardiac problems.
  • Enter the value of your cholesterol level. High cholesterol level increases the chance of atherosclerosis in your major arteries. In addition, it also stimulates coronary artery diseases leading to heart attack or stroke.
  • Enter the regular value of your HDL (high density lipids). High density lipids are the protective barrier for your cardiac arteries to prevent them from any kind of disease. These high density lipids serve the role of good cholesterol. So, high levels of HDL are a good indication.
  • Select the option of whether you are a smoker or not. Smoking plays a key role in the acceleration process of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, smoking can also clog your arteries and also has an effect on metastatic growth.

These are the main points to consider for the Framingham risk calculator. You have to put the values of all these basic factors. And, that’s it. Our Framingham risk calculator will provide you with accurate results to calculate the 10-year cardiovascular risk.

What are the optimum values for the  Framingham risk calculator?

You can convert the result values into percentages and assess the results.

  • Cardiovascular risk is considered as low if it is less than 10%.
  • Cardiovascular risk is moderate if it ranges between 10% to 19%.
  • Cardiovascular risk is high if it is 20% or more than 20%.

What are the risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases?

There are multiple conditions that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. These conditions are risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases. According to the studies, almost half of the population of America has 1 of 3 main risk factors. These risk factors are as follows:

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is the fundamental risk factor for cardiac diseases. It is a medical condition in which the pressure in your arteries and other blood vessels increases. If not treated properly, it can severely affect your heart and other main organs of the body. High blood pressure is a silent killer because of no such proper symptoms. The only way to diagnose blood pressure is to measure your blood pressure regularly. There are modifiable factors that can help you to reduce your blood pressure. Lifestyle changes and medication can help you deal with high blood pressure.

High blood cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is a sticky material and fatty acid in nature. Unhealthy cholesterol continues to pile up in your arteries and disturbs the blood flow. Maintain a limit to the unhealthy cholesterol or low-density lipids in your diet. Cholesterol deposits or plaque can cause the narrowing of the arteries and decreased blood flow. It can affect your heart, kidney, liver, and lungs negatively.

High density lipids or good cholesterol are good for your health. As of its nature, these high density lipids serve as a protection to your heart. There are no such symptoms associated with high cholesterol levels. To get checked, visit your nearby physician for your blood tests or lipid profile.

Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a condition associated with high blood glucose levels. The mortality rate is more in people having diabetes mellitus than in those who do not have diabetes mellitus. If you are having diabetes, maintain a check and balance over your normal blood glucose levels.


Obesity is usually associated with high levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition, it is linked to high blood pressure and various other heart diseases. Follow a diet plan and proper exercise to get rid of this stinky weight.

What is the normal lipid profile, measuring cholesterol and other lipid values?

Lipid profile matters a lot to assess the values of cholesterol, High-density lipids, triglycerides, and low-density lipids. There are some normal and high value ranges to compare the values and use in the Framingham risk calculator.

Cholesterol values:

  • Desirable: lesser than 200
  • Borderline high values: 200 to 239
  • High: greater than 240

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) values:

  • Optimal: lesser than 100
  • Near to optimal: 100 to 129
  • Borderline high: 130 to 159
  • High: 160 to 189
  • Very high: greater than 190

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) values:

  • Low: lesser than 40
  • Borderline: 40 to 59
  • High: greater than 60


  • Desirable: lesser than 150
  • Borderline: 150 to 199
  • High: 200 to 499;
  • Very High: ≥500


Framingham risk calculator evaluates the 10-year cardiovascular risk in different populations. It is a reliable method to evaluate the proportion of cardiac risk as people grow. You just need to enter the different values as mentioned in the calculator. Moreover, this calculator is also gender specific. So, you must mention your gender in the calculator. This article is all about the detailed information related to the Framingham risk calculator. Give it a thorough read to learn about this calculator.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is the main factor to evaluate cardiovascular risk?

Allow density lipids or bad cholesterol are one of the best predictors to evaluate cardiovascular risk. A blood lipid profile can guide you about your body’s cholesterol count.

What is the possible treatment if Framingham’s risk score is moderate to high?

There are different treatment regimens considering the underlying problem. It may include the management of high cholesterol in the form of statins. In addition, other underlying problems have different treatment plans.

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