Fat-Free Mass Index- FFMI Calculator

This Fat-Free Mass Index calculator or FFMI calculator is for calculating your body’s Fat-Free Mass Index. This approach is more exact than the Body Mass Index and solves its limitations when working with well-trained individuals, such as elite athletes. You’ll see a clarification of what Fat-Free Mass Index is, a contrast of Body Mass Index against Fat-Free Mass Index, and a Fat-Free Mass Index spectrum to help you categorize your outcomes in the article below.

You’ll have to understand your body fat percentage to do a good evaluation. If you don’t understand what these values are, use the body fat calculator to find out. Try out the alternate calculation approaches in the army body fat calculator and American naval body fat calculator if you’re looking for more body fat measures.

What Is Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI)

The Fat-Free Mass Index is abbreviated as FFMI. It reflects the volume of muscle density you have about your height and weight. The Fat-Free Mass Index, like the well-known and comparable Body Mass Index, is composed of the body index category. Even if less commonly employed, the Fat-Free Mass Index is more exact than the Body Mass Index and also provides details on a person’s fitness and wellbeing.

The Fat-Free Mass Index calculates muscle mass based on three factors:

Body height

Centimeters or feet and inches are the units of measurement.


Weight is expressed in kilograms or pounds.

Body fat

It is expressed in percentage units, and you can determine your input value using the body fat calculator.

Procedures For Using The FFMI Calculator

See an example analysis to see ways to utilize the Fat-Free Mass Index- FFMIcalculator properly. Suppose the calculation is based on John, a man with a height of 200 cm, a weight of 60 kilos, and a body fat percentage of 19 percent. The procedure is as follows:

Type in all of the following information first:

  • Input his height: 200 cm,
  • Input his weight: 60 kg,
  • Input his body fat: 19%.
  • Then look at the result of the calculation depending on these input parameters:

The Fat-Free Mass Index is 12.2 kg/m2, which places our person in the average category. A message with the classification range appears automatically beneath the FFMI calculator.

The normalized Fat-Free Mass Index is 12.2 kg/m2, which is the same as the non-normalized figure because the person is not taller than the population’s mean height.

John’s fat-free mass is 48.6 kg, and he has 11.4 kg of total body fat.

Formulas Used in Fat-Free Mass Index Calculator?

For calculating fat-free mass, Fat-Free Mass Index, and Normalized Fat-Free Mass Index, the FFMI calculator employs currently accepted mathematical equations. The second is for sportsmen who are taller and bigger in general.

The following is a formula for calculating body fat:

Body Fat = Weight [Kg] * (Body Fat [%] / 100).

The unit of measurement is kilograms [kg].
The below formula is used to measure fat-free mass: Fat-free Mass = Weight [Kg] * (1 – (Body Fat [%]/ 100)).
The outcome is sometimes given in kilograms [kg].

The Fat-Free Mass Index is determined as follows:

FFMI = Fat-free Mass [Kg]/ (Height [M])².
Expressed in kilograms per square meter [kg/m²].
Employ the below equation to calculate the Normalized Fat-Free Mass Index:

Normalized FFMI = FFMI [kg/m²] + 6.1 * (1.8 – height [m])

This is the same unit used in FFMI [kg/m²].

You can alter the measurements that are shown in the Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI calculator). Depending on the requirements and interests, you can swap between cm, m, kg, lb, etc.

Body Mass Index versus Fat-Free Mass Index

The Body Mass Index is a measurement of your weight and height. The outcomes are categorized based on established standards, allowing you to determine whether your weight is optimum, normal, overweight, or obese.

However, there are some drawbacks to this approach, the most notable of which is that it ignores the weight of your lean muscle mass and your body fat percentage.

Although it may not appear to be a major issue at first look, BMI’s opponents are correct. Two persons of various heights and weights, for instance, can have a similar BMI despite having different proportions of fat and muscle. A person with a lot of muscular mass can be labeled as overweight or perhaps obese. Because the Body Mass Index technique is based solely on weight, it fails to explain differences in tissues and body type.

In contrast, an inactive individual who does not work out and is in a generally unhealthy state may have a high BMI.

What makes calculating with the FFMI Calculator superior to the Body Mass Index?

When an individual accumulates weight as a result of a rise in fat tissue, it indicates that the individual has deteriorated in health. It is beneficial for a sportsman (or athlete) to gain weight as a result of increased muscular mass. From the standpoint of BMI, both circumstances are the same: a rise in weight leads to an increase in BMI index. The Fat-Free Mass Index is here to help with a fix.

The Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI) is calculated in such a manner that fat increase and muscle gain can be distinguished. The Fat-Free Mass Index decreases as fat mass decrease, while the Fat-Free Mass Index rises as muscle mass grow. The Fat-Free Mass Index can accurately measure someone’s body and health state because of this discrepancy.

Body Mass Index, on the other hand, is a generic measure of wellness that works for the vast majority of people. It’s worth noting that BMI is largely worthless for someone who goes to the gym or trains properly. Fat-Free Mass Index is a far better, far more useful alternative for that type of individual, who has higher muscle mass than other people.

The Value of Fat-Free Mass in a Healthy Diet

Fat-free mass is a metric that includes more than just muscles and ligament tissues. It contains the body’s bone fragments, internal systems, and water content. Fat mass (FM), which provides evidence for adipose tissue, sometimes referred to as body fat, is the complete antithesis of FFM.

Fat mass is divided into two classes:

Essential Fat

These are realities that the body is incapable of producing. They’re required for basic activities such as brain advancement and blood clotting. For a healthy physique, men require two to five percent essential fats, while women need ten to thirteen percent.

Non-essential Fat

These are facts that aren’t required for survival. It shields internal organs and forms a protective body.

To remain fit, your body requires just the correct measure of fat. Sportsmen have a low body fat percentage, which aids their performance. When pro athletes exercise to achieve peak fitness, they lose body fat.

Why Do Men’s and Women’s FFMI Calculator Outcomes Vary?

This is because men and women have different bodily compositions.

In comparison to women, men have less body fat, the more muscular mass, and higher bone density, as per the National Health Services. Women, on the other hand, need more body fat to keep their monthly cycle going and to help with delivery. Females’ hips and thighs sometimes have adipose tissue, which is a thin membrane made up of fat. Men, on the other hand, are prone to adipose fat accumulation over the trunk and abdomen.


It is good for both men and women, particularly fitness enthusiasts, to have balanced Fat-Free Mass Index scores.

It’s also a great technique for detecting steroid usage that isn’t allowed. It is, however, not the most reliable method of determining if athletes and other Olympians have used stimulants.

While the BMI is the most used measure of body mass, the Fat-Free Mass Index is a better way to assess fat loss and general muscle growth. This is all about the FFMI calculator.


How to evaluate a Fat-Free Mass Index?

Apply the below formula:
Fat-free Mass = Weight [Kg] * (1 – (Body Fat [%]/ 100))
Because weight is measured in kilograms, the outcome, FFMI, is likewise measured in kilograms.

What is the definition of a healthy FMI?

The average Fat-Free Mass Index for a male is 18-20, whereas for a woman it is 14-17. However, in athletes, the result may be greater (and still healthy!) whereas, in slimmer persons, it may be lower.

What is the best way to lose body fat without losing muscle mass?

When attempting to lose weight, there are a few guidelines to follow:
Maintain a nutritious (yet sensible and balanced) diet.
Lift weights and do aerobics. Both muscle building and fat burning are required.
Don’t rush. Patience is required to lose weight safely, maintain muscle mass, and be healthy.

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