Cardiac Surgery in the Adult

In this post, we will provide you with a brief overview of the textbook Cardiac Surgery in the Adult and its PDF download link! We hope this brief overview further clarifies what this book has to offer to Medical Students still in training.
Brief Overview of Cardiac Surgery in the Adult
The world’s leading cardiovascular surgeons cover the surgical approach, decision-making, technological and before and following treating the adult cardiac patient extensively in their Cardiac Surgery in the Adult Fifth Edition.
This classical text comprises 63 chapters that highlight each important topic in cardiovascular surgery, which are unparalleled in both scale and clinical rigor.
Presented in full colour, Cardiac Surgery in the Adult provides readers with maximum care of heart and large vessels’ congenital, acquired, infectious, and traumatic diseases.
The book starts with a history of heart surgery and basic heart science, and then progresses into all forms of heart surgery, offering a snapshot of recent surgery procedures for both practitioners and people.
Table of Content
Down below is a table of content of the Cardiac Surgery in the Adult:
Section I: Foundation
Chapter 1. Cardiac Surgical History
Chapter 2. Heart Surgery Summary
Chapter 3. Surgical Physiology of the Heart
Chapter 4. Surgical cardiac medicine
Chapter 5. Pathology Pulmonary
Chapter 6. Adult cardiac surgical patient’s computed tomography: principles and applications
Chapter 7. Risk Assessment and Cardiac Surgical Performance Enhancement
Chapter 8. Cardiac Surgical Simulation
Chapter 9. The Cardiovascular Integration Hub
Section II: Periodical / intraoperative care
Chapter 10. Cardiac Surgery Preoperative Review
Chapter 11. Anesthesia of the heart
Chapter 12. Cardiac Surgical Echocardiography
Chapter 13. Circulation Extracorporal
Chapter 14. Blood protection and transfusion treatment
Chapter 15. Deep Circulatory Hypothermic Capture
Chapter 16. Protection of the myocardial system
Chapter 17. Cardiac Surgery Postoperative Treatment Patients
Chapter 18. Mechanical temporary support for the campaign
Section III: Heart Disease Ischemic
Chapter 19. Percutaneous systems myocardial revascularization
Chapter 20. Myocardial Revascularization with Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Chapter 21. Myocardial Renewal Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Chapter 22. Acute Myocardial Infarction Myocardial Revascularization
Chapter 23. Invasive revascularization of the myocardial minimum
Chapter 24. Reoperations in the Coronary Artery
Chapter 25. Myocardial problems, septal defect, myocardial rupture, and left ventricular aneurysm surgical procedure surgical surgery
Section IV: Inflammation of the Aortic Valve
Chapter 26. Aortic Valve Pathophysiology
Chapter 27. Mechanical cardiac valve prosthesis replacement of an aortic valve
Chapter 28. Stented Aortic Valve Substitution Stented
Chapter 29. Aortic Valve Stent less and Root Replacement
Chapter 30. Reparation of aortic valves and activities for aortic valve saving
Chapter 31. Aortic Valve Endocarditis Surgical Procedure
Chapter 32. Aortic Valve Surgery minimally invasive
Chapter 33. Aortic Valve Condition Percutaneous Therapy
Section V: Mitral valve dysfunction
Chapter 34. Mitral Valve Pathophysiology
Chapter 35. Valve Fix Mitral
Chapter 36. Valve Repair Mitral: rheumatic.
Chapter 37. Action to Regurgitate Functional Mitral
Chapter 38. Mitral Valve Endocarditis Surgical Procedure
Chapter 39. Adult Congenital Mitral Valve Repair Mitral Valve Disorder
Chapter 40. Minimal invasive and robot removal surgery and tricuspid valve
Chapter 41. Mitral Valve Replacement of percutaneous catheter
Chapter 42. Replacement of Mitral Valve
Section VI: Disorder of the Valve Heart (Other)
Chapter 43. Valve Disorder Tricuspid
Chapter 44. Valve multiple disorder
Chapter 45. Heart Disease Valvular and Ischemic
Chapter 46. Surgery on the reoperable valve
VII Grand Vessel Surgery
Chapter 47. Dissection of the aortic
Chapter 48. Aortic Aneurysms Ascending and Arch
Chapter 49. Aortic Aneurysms Descent and Thoracoabdominal
Chapter 50. thoracic aortic disease treatment Endovascular treatment
Chapter 51. The Great Vessels’ Trauma
Chapter 52. Embolismus of the pulmonary system and pulmonary thrombosis
VIII Heart Arrhythmia Surgery
Chapter 53. Atrial and ventricular arrhythmia intervention treatment
Chapter 54. Atrial fibrillation surgery
Chapter 55. Pacemakers and automated defibrillators surgical implantation
Section IX: Other Heart Surgeries
Chapter 56. Congenital heart disease surgery for adults
Chapter 57. Pericardial Malfunction
Chapter 58. Neoplasm of the heart
Section X: Mechanical support for the Transplant and the Circulatory Report
Chapter 59. Heart and pulmonary immunobiology
Chapter 60. Transplantation of Heart
Chapter 61. Heart-lung transplant and lung transplant
Chapter 62. Mechanical and Absolute artificial heart help for a long time
Chapter 63. Cardiac Valve Surgery Tissue Engineering
This concludes the table of contents of Cardiac Surgery in the Adult.
We hope everyone found this overview and link useful and we hope the best of luck to everyone in all their future examinations/studies. Without further due, here is the link to Cardiac Surgery in the Adult: