Blood Type Calculator

Blood Type Calculator

Check out our blood type calculator if you’ve ever been wondering what your blood type is or what blood type your baby will have. Based on the information provided by the parents, you will determine the various blood types for your child.

However, A, B, AB, and 0 are the four major blood groups. On the membrane of red blood cells, they all have various antigens (such as carbohydrates or proteins). It’s possible to figure out which type of blood you have based on the presence or lack of certain antigens, as well as the presence or absence of some antibodies in the blood plasma.

The blood type is inherited from one’s parents and is genetically defined. Each individual has two alleles that describe their blood type because it is regulated by a single gene:

  • A blood type might be AA or A0.
  • BB or B0 is the blood type B.
  • We found alleles AB in blood type AB.
  • Alleles 00 in blood type 0

The dominant alleles A and B are dominant, while the recessive allele 0 is. Only people with the 00 alleles can have blood type 0. Our blood type calculator includes a second classification that splits blood into two groups: Rh and Rh-. They also show whether an antigen — in this case, the Rh (D) antigen–is present or absent. Because the Rh- blood type is recessive, two Rh- parents will always have Rh- children.

Child Blood Type Calculator

Each of your parents will pass on one allele to your child. If your partner is blood group is AB and yours is A, you can use the following formula to compute the probability for different blood types:

  1. Make a list of your blood type and alleles that go with it. You have either AA or A0 alleles if your blood group is A.
  2. Make a list of your partner’s blood type and alleles. He possesses the AB genotype because their blood group is AB.
  3. From your partner, your child will either gain A allele (50 percent probability) or a B allele (50 percent chance).
  4. To get the chance for each blood group, multiply the probabilities:
  5. 75 percent * 50 percent = 37.5 percent chance that your child’s blood genotype is AA.
  6. 75 percent * 50 percent = 37.5 percent chance that your child’s blood genotype is AB.
  7. The likelihood of your child’s genotype being A0 is 25% * 50% = 12.5 percent.
  8. You may do the same thing with the Rh+ and Rh- groups. All you have to do is follow the steps below:
  9. If both parents are Rh positive, the child will have a 93.75 percent chance of being Rh+ and a 6.75 percent chance of being Rh-.
  10. If both parents are Rh negative, the child will have a 100% probability of having a Rh- blood type.
  11. If one parent is Rh-positive and the other is Rh negative, the child will have a 75 percent probability of being Rh+ and a 25% chance of being Rh-.

Naturally, we recommend using the blood type calculator rather than manually calculating the probability.

Parent Blood Type Calculator

Do you want to know the parent’s blood type from their child? All you’ll need is your child’s blood type and your spouse’s blood type, and the Parent Blood Type Calculator will tell you the parent’s correct blood type.

The ABO and Rhesus type systems are used to classify blood groups (Rh factor). The absence or presence of specific antigens at the topmost surface of the red blood cells determines which of the eight major blood groups a person belongs to.

We divided ABO blood groups into four categories: A, B, O, or AB blood types, as well as Rh factor positivity or negativity. As a result, this incredible technology can assist you in verifying the paternity of a child.

Blood Type Probability

Because of the existence of blood kinds, not everyone can donate blood to someone in need. To assist you to prevent confusion when donating or getting blood, we have established a separate blood donor calculator!

The following are the rules for blood transfusion:

  • An individual with the blood type AB is a universal receiver, but can only be a donor to people with the same blood type.
  • Because of the existence of blood kinds, not everyone’s we can donate blood to someone in need. To assist you prevent confusion when donating or getting blood, we have established a separate blood donor calculator!

The following are the rules for blood transfusion:

  • An individual with the blood type AB is a universal receiver, but can only be a donor to people with the same blood type.
  • An individual with a B or A blood type can accept blood from anyone except those with an AB an individual with the blood type 0 can only receive blood from people of the same blood type. They can, however, donate blood to people of all blood types.
  • An individual with the Rh+ blood type can only give to Rh+ people, but can accept blood from both Rh+ and Rh- people.
  • An individual with the Rh- blood type can give to both Rh+ and Rh- people, but can only accept blood from Rh- people.

Below is a table showing blood type Punnett square:


Donation of Blood

Because of the many blood types, it is a limiting issue that not everyone can donate blood to anybody in need in various situations.

To give blood, you must be at least 16 years old, have parental authorization, and weigh at least 110 pounds, among other conditions.

There are various guidelines that must be observed when transferring blood:

  • An individual with a B or A blood type is a universal receive i.e. can receive blood from anyone except those with an AB blood type, and can only give two persons of the same kind or AB blood group.
  • People with the AB blood type can receive blood from anyone, but they can only donate blood to people with the same AB blood type.
  • O is a blood type. People of any blood type can donate blood, but only people with the blood type O can receive it.
  • Rh+ blood types can only give to other Rh+ blood types, but they can accept blood from both Rh+ and Rh- blood types.
  • Rh- blood types can give to both Rh-negative and Rh-positive blood types, but only Rh- blood types can receive blood.


If you’ve ever been wondering what blood type, you are or what blood type your baby will have, use our blood type calculator. You can find out your blood type by contacting your doctor, traveling to a hospital or clinical laboratory that tests blood, donating blood, or purchasing a home testing kit.

If you secrete blood-group antigens in other body fluids, you may determine your blood type without having blood collected.


How Do I Predict My Blood Type Using The Blood Type Calculator?

If you wish to know your baby’s blood type, enter your blood type and your partner’s blood type into the child blood type calculator. When you want to know your blood type, the same thing is required. Although a simpler and easier approach to determine someone’s blood type in seconds, the findings provided by our blood type generator are not 100 percent correct because we base them on averages rather than diagnosis.

Why Should You Use A Blood Type Calculator?

Many people do not know what type of blood they have and are unaware of the ramifications of not knowing their blood group. We created this calculator for every gender and age group to make determining your blood type a lot easier. If you’re having a child, you can also check the blood type of a child based on the blood types of his or her parents.

What is your blood type?

The blood categories A, B, AB, and O are the four fresh types of blood. On the surface membrane of red blood cells, each of the groups carries various antigens, such as carbohydrates and proteins.
The presence or absence of certain antigens, as well as the presence or absence of specific antibodies in blood plasma, can determine your blood group.
Every person gains their blood type combination from their parents, according to genetics.

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