Active Day: 12 Ways to Keep Yourself Occupied While Being at Home

Are you in a low mood and finding someone to make you out of laziness? Go through all the details of this article to have an active day.
The active day is not a phrase but a struggle to maintain a healthy mood for the whole of your day. People spend a lot of investment on gym membership to burn calories and lose weight. But, these things are not sufficient to make your day active. It is not necessary to be a runner to improve your health. Staying active is important to get rid of negative vibes and tiredness. Having an active day will help you to:
- Maintain a healthy BMI and overall body weight
- Improving your mental health with a reduced level of depression and frustration
- Strengthening your muscles
- The stimulus for your immune system to stay active and healthy
- Stay active and strong for long
- A healthy workout to keep all body parts quite active
People prefer sitting in the car, park, couch, or bench for a long time. Research indicates that sitting for a long time can increase colon and breast cancer. In contrast, having an active day can decrease the chances of several diseases.
What should be your level of activity every day?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you must have a normal physical activity of 150 minutes per week. It states that about 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity should be part of your day to stay active. Daily physical activity of this duration will help you to make your day active. Besides having an active day, you will surely feel positive energy, enabling you to achieve your goals.
What are the different ways to stay active while being at home?
There are different ways to achieve the goal of an active day during your stay at home. It is not as tough as some people think. The only thing you need is motivation and the energy to get up. Let us have a look at these different ways to have an active day.
Start walking
It is one of the easiest steps to take to start staying active and have an active day. Don’t make an excuse that you are at home. You can walk outside or around the house. Walking indulges almost all your muscles and makes them active. You can start with leisure walking. Set counting your daily footsteps on your phone. Track your daily footsteps with the help of your phone for running or walking every day. It will help you to keep a check and balance on your daily footsteps.
According to a study done in 2011, you need about 4000 to 18000 footsteps per day. Taking this information into account, you must have about 10000 footsteps daily to have an active day.
Stand up while doing your work
If you have to stay sedentary during your office hours at work, you may feel quite passive towards an active lifestyle. Sitting for long hours reduces your metabolism and ultimately reduces calorie consumption. So you need to have an active day for that you can have a stand-up desk to change your daily lifestyle. Standing for some time increases the stress level in your body. In return, it burns calories to get sufficient energy to deal with this stress. If you can’t stand up during your work, you must take a five-minute break after every hour to have an active day. A study suggests that standing burns 50 percent more calories than sitting.
Do your house chores
It seems like a daily duty to do house chores. But it can also help you to have an active day. Cleaning your house daily will also add some physical activity to your daily routine. It is also a way to walk around with some body movements. Washing the tub or vacuuming your stuff will activate your arm muscles to stay strong and healthy. In addition, do your dishes and some other house chores to stay healthy and have an active day.
Do some exercise
Besides doing your daily activities, get some time for yourself to do some regular exercise steps. Do some stretching exercises while you pick up something from higher shelves. Moreover, you can do simple squats while waiting for something. These simple moves or steps will help you a lot to stay active for your whole day. To enjoy these moves, turn on some light music to boost your positive energy.
Enjoy your TV time
It is tough for us to do some workout moves while watching our favorite seasons or movies. People prefer relaxing and comfortable positions while watching Netflix. Utilize your TV time not being a couch potato, but a fitness freak. You can set a mat in front of your TV and do some stretching and bodyweight exercises. Moreover, you can adjust your exercise machine like a treadmill or elliptical in front of your TV. It will help you a lot to stay active during your daytime. You can enjoy sitting on your couch or chair while doing some yoga steps or chair squats.
Enjoy cardio
Aerobic exercises help to maintain the health of your heart. There are multiple aerobic exercises that you can easily do at home. These aerobic exercises don’t involve walking, running, or other exercises. Aerobic or cardio exercises can improve your oxygen saturation level and heart pumping. You can simply go up and down the stairs to boost your heart health.
Spend some quality time
If you are having a hectic professional life, extract some time for yourself to stay active. Engage yourself in some healthy activities. Spend some time with your partner to burn your calories. Spending time with your partner can help you relieve stress, headaches, and several other problems. Moreover, it will also help you to overcome sleep problems.
Workout in bed
In the early mornings, some of us have to wake up early for a morning workout. While others have to go back to their daily routines. It is quite tough for us to wake up both the body and mind at the same time. You can boost your energy under the covers while doing some exercises in bed. There are several exercises that you can do in your bed before leaving your body. It will help you to take a good start to the day making you a little bit more active in your daily routine.
Park at a distance
Make it a habit to park your car or bike at a distance. It will help you to add additional footsteps to your daily routine. In addition, walking can help you to burn calories and activate your metabolism. In this way, all these activities help you to activate your active day.
Use a basket instead of the shopping cart
If you are at a shopping mall to pick some basic things, prefer using a basket instead of using a shopping cart. It is an automatic weight-lifting exercise that can activate your arm muscles.
Set an alarm
If you are too busy to remember your rest gaps, set an alarm for every hour to remind yourself to take a rest. Take a break after every hour and engage yourself in some healthy activities. Continuous work lowers your energy and decreases your power to work. Therefore, a power rest is necessary to boost your energy and have an active day.
Yoga exercises
Yoga exercises are beneficial for both the body and mind. It helps you to stay active while relieving your anxiety and stress. In addition, yoga exercises improve the flexibility of your muscles and get rid of back pain. I prefer doing some yoga exercises to relieve myself from depression and frustration. In return, it will help you to make your day active.
What are the other ways to have an active day while staying at home?
Besides the above-mentioned tips, there are several other methods to have an active lifestyle. Nowadays, working from home is getting more common. You can do your work at home. But, do not go for a lazy lifestyle. Instead of this, prefer the following tips:
- Try to walk while attending different calls. It will burn your calories more quickly while sitting for a long time.
- Don’t sit for long periods of time. It will lead to back problems, poor posture, and different other problems. Try to stay standing while doing your work. It will help you to stay active.
- Fidgeting while you work at home is ok. You can tap your feet, fidget to your heart desires, and swing your legs.
- Try to have some under-desk mini pedals to involve your leg muscles.
- Yoga ball chairs are also available. You can invest in such an exercise ball chair to engage your leg muscles in healthy activity.
Healthy life stands on the foundation of staying active and strong. It is an important ingredient in your daily life as you grow. It became a requirement now to engage yourself in physical activities for about 30 minutes. There are several ways to keep yourself active. Prefer standing while sitting for a long. In addition, try to walk to activate your body muscles. Moreover, you can do any simple exercises that can boost your daily energy.
Take a start from smaller things but stay consistent. It will surely help you to make your day active and healthy.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
How can I stay energetic all day?
Staying active and healthy is mandatory to refresh both the body and mind. You can follow simple exercises like walking, running, doing house chores, simple exercise steps, and some yoga exercises. These all things help you in a way to keep energetic and boost positive vibes.
Do food items play a role in staying active?
A healthy and balanced diet is very important to maintain your daily energy. Junk food items add only refined carbohydrates to your body, making you lazy. Whereas, a protein diet with some active minerals and vitamins can help you to achieve the goal of your active day.