A1C Calculator

Average Blood Sugar to A1C Calculator
This A1C calculator might help you figure out what those mysterious numbers on your lab blood test result mean. It converts your hemoglobin A1C calculator (HbA1c) result into your typical blood sugar level – and vice versa! You’ll learn what is A1C? And what usual ranges it falls into in this article. Read on to learn how to calculate A1C, the hazards of high glycated hemoglobin A1C levels, and how to reduce A1C when necessary.
You might be familiar with the term hemoglobin, which refers to the transport of oxygen. HbA1c (hemoglobin A1C) is very similar to what you recall from biology class. Although it sounds like a robot’s name, it’s actually a type of hemoglobin that has sugar (glucose) particles linked to it. We find glycated hemoglobin in everyone’s blood, and the amount grows as blood sugar levels rise. The A1c test measures the percentage of hemoglobin that has glucose attached to it in the lab. But why isn’t the result identical to that of a basic blood sugar level test?
You may know our red blood cells have an average lifespan of 120 days or four months. We can presume that because hemoglobin is present inside Red Blood Cells (RBC), it lives as long as they do. And to account for the different life spans of red blood cells, scientists estimate that A1c hemoglobin stays in the body for roughly 90 days, and hence reflects blood sugar levels over the previous three months. Therefore, an A1C test will provide your doctor with more information about your risk of metabolic illnesses than a simple blood sugar level test.
How to Calculate A1C / Formula
It doesn’t get any easier than utilizing our A1C calculator. Simply enter the level of hemoglobin A1C from your lab test to get an instant result. Both the hemoglobin and average blood sugar sections allow you to move freely between units.
Here is the formula for converting A1c (percent) to average blood sugar (mg/dL) for people who are inquisitive about the details:
Average Blood Sugar (mg/dL) = HbA1c (%) * 28.7 – 46.7
Use the following calculation to convert hemoglobin A1c levels from a percent (%) to millimoles per moles (mmol/mol):
HbA1c (mmol/mol) = 10.93 – 23.5 * HbA1c (percent)
Use this formula to convert mmol/mol to percent in the other direction:
HbA1c (percent) = 0.09148 + 2.152 HbA1c (mmol/mol)
A1C Chart
If you have or are likely to have, a metabolic condition, your doctor will urge that you take this laboratory test, which contains data from the previous three months. One finger-prick blood sugar level test reveals the current state of the body. A basic blood test is nevertheless a valuable and significant indicator; each of these tests serves a specific purpose.
According to the CDC, the following are the safe HbA1c levels:
Normal | Below 5.65% |
Prediabetes | 5.65% – 6.35% |
Diabetes | Above 6.35% |
A1C to Blood Sugar Chart
A1C level (Percentage) | Blood Sugar Level |
5.0% | 97 mg/dL |
6.0% | 126 mg/dL |
6.5% | 140 mg/dL |
7.0% | 154 mg/dL |
7.5% | 169 mg/dL |
8.0% | 183 mg/dL |
8.5% | 197 mg/dL |
9.0% | 212 mg/dL |
9.5% | 226 mg/dL |
10% | 240 mg/dL |
11% | 269 mg/dL |
12% | 298 mg/dL |
13% | 326 mg/dL |
14% | 355 mg/dL |
When to Take A1C Test?
If you’re over 45 or under 45 and overweight, test your A1c conversion as a preventive measure. You should also think about it if you have any of the following diabetes risk factors:
- Diabetes in the family history (parents or siblings).
- Low levels of physical exercise (less than three times a week).
- Blood pressure that is too high.
- A high quantity of cholesterol in the blood
- Have you ever had gestational diabetes or given birth to a baby that weighed over 9 pounds?
How to Lower A1C Level?
Your doctor will tell you to lower your A1C levels if your test shows they are too high. Here are a few pointers to get you started:
- Consult your doctor about medicine. Make sure you’re following the doctor’s instructions when taking them. Mention any other medications you’re taking for different ailments, as they could interact.
- Check your blood sugar levels more frequently and make sure you’re using the suitable treatments (e.g., the proper dose of insulin or a well-balanced meal). If you believe this is a problem for you, seek professional treatment.
- Increase your physical activity. You don’t have to train to be an Olympic athlete, but you should strive to include a few short walks in your daily routine. Every step is crucial!
- Attempt to reach and maintain a healthy BMI (body mass index).
- The BMI is the most fundamental indicator, but you should also consider your waist-hip ratio. A large amount of visceral fat (fat tissue that surrounds your internal organs) has been related to an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.
- Maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet. If you’re overweight, don’t go over your daily calorie restriction, and attempt to eat even less. Say goodbye to processed meals and sweets.
If you follow those recommendations, your hemoglobin A1C levels will almost certainly improve.
What Are The Risks Of Chronic High Blood Glucose Level?
Increase your physical activity. You don’t have to train to be an Olympic athlete, but you should strive to include a few short walks in your daily routine. Every step is crucial!
- Attempt to reach and maintain a healthy BMI (body mass index).
- The BMI is the most fundamental indicator, but you should also consider your waist-hip ratio. A large amount of visceral fat (fat tissue that surrounds your internal organs) has been related to an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.
- Maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet. If you’re overweight, don’t go over your daily calorie restriction, and attempt to eat even less. Say goodbye to processed meals and sweets.
- If you follow those recommendations, your hemoglobin A1C levels will almost certainly improve.
- A higher risk of cardiovascular disease, such as myocardial infarction (heart attack) or stroke.
- There’s a chance you’ll get chronic renal disease or perhaps kidney failure.
- Nerve injury (including brain damage) and paresthesia are more likely.
- There is a high risk of retinopathy and vision loss.
- Infections, including as skin infections and mycoses, are common.
- Difficulties with conceiving,
- Diabetic foot, which could cause amputation!
They may diagnose you with diabetes if your A1C result is equal to or higher than 6.5 percent. If this is the case, make an appointment with your doctor away!
Managing A1C Levels
Minor changes in lifestyle can make a major effect in the early stages of type 2 diabetes and perhaps put your diabetes in remission. It may be beneficial to begin an exercise regimen. We required as soon as insulin treatment as type 1 diabetes is detected.
Higher A1C readings may show that you need to take medication or adjust what you’re presently taking if you’ve had prediabetes or diabetes for a long time.
Prediabetes can lead to diabetes if it is not treated. Other lifestyle modifications may be required, as well as closer monitoring of your daily blood glucose levels. Consult your doctor to determine the best course of action.
Our A1C calculator might help you figure out what those mysterious numbers on your lab blood test result mean. The A1C test, on the other hand, determines how much glucose-attached hemoglobin is present in the blood. The test gives you a three-month average of your blood sugar levels. It’s used to track blood sugar levels and diagnose and screen for diabetes and prediabetes. A1C tests should be done at least twice a year, and in certain situations more frequently.
For a diabetic, what is a decent A1C score?
A1C levels of less than 5.7 percent suggest normal, 5.7 percent to 6.4 percent show pre-diabetes, and 6.5 percent or higher show diabetes. The higher your A1C is within the 5.7 percent to 6.4 percent pre-diabetes range, the greater your chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes.
What changes they have made to the A1C guidelines?
For most adults, the American Diabetes Association currently recommends an A1C of less than 7%, a TIR of over 70%, and a time below the range of less than 4%. In past years, the Standards of Care contained an “A1C Testing” section that advised diabetics to test their A1C two to four times a year with an A1C target of less than 7%.
What could cause A1C to get obstructed?
Conditions like acute and chronic blood loss, hemolytic anemia, and splenomegaly can cause A1C values that are artificially low. The A1c readings of patients with end-stage renal illness are frequently artificially low. This is because of the chronic anemia that comes with it, which reduces red cell survival.
Diabetes UK. (2009) HbA1c Standardisation For Laboratory Professionals
American Diabetes Association. A1C and eAG.